[172] - Outed

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Warnings: accidental coming out/accidentally outing someone I suppose

Idk where this idea came from but I found it funny so


Logan was startled awake by his phone ringing and he rolled over and reached an arm out to fumble for it, eager to find it and make it stop making sounds. He found it and squinted at the screen, making out that his mom was calling him and he groaned.

Logan might not be known to sleep too long in the morning, but his parents were both even worse. And talking to either of his parents might not be what he wanted to do first thing waking up. He answered the call quickly, squinting again when him mom was suddenly visible on the screen. Great, his mom had finally learnt how to make video calls.

"Good morning." He said, trying to keep his eyes open for more than a second at a time and hear what his mom had already begun babbling about. He reached for his glasses, finding them quickly and putting them on to see properly and not strain his eyes.

"-And since your dad and I will be in town we were thinking we'd stop by, see your new apartment!" His mom said happily, seeming excited about the idea. Logan hummed, running a hand through his hair and then pausing as his mother kept talking about whichever reason it was she and his dad would be in town in the first place.

His new apartment, aka, the apartment he and his boyfriend got a few months ago when they moved in together, his boyfriend who had just cuddled closer to him and slung an arm around his middle, chest pressed to Logan's back.

His boyfriend who his parents knew nothing about because Logan had so far in his life managed to avoid having to come out.


Luckily for him he had yet to accidentally show his boyfriend on camera, as far as he knew, but he thought his mom would metion it if she'd noticed there was another man with him in bed. Logan angled his phone to only show half his face and part on the mattress instead, then trying to actually hear what his mom was saying to him.

"At what time do you think you and dad will be here?" Logan asked, at which his mother answered a vague 'perhaps at one' and Logan considered coming up with a lie about not being home at that time. He blamed the fact that his mother had called at the ungodly time of seven in the morning on a saturday on why he didn't manage to come up with any excuse. As his boyfriend would say; it was too early to think.

If only his mom had called at a time when he was awake and was wearing glasses then maybe he'd had the braincells to either not answer the call or make sure that his 'secret' boyfriend, Virgil, was not in the room. Logan pretended to listen to his mother rambling about his fathers failed gardening experiments, more focused at trying to find a reason to end the call early. He couldn't really leave bed because of his boyfriends tight grip around him.

"Did he manage to fix it?" Logan asked, his mom having told him about how their lawnmower had broken in the middle of his dad mowing their lawn. He was lucky that is was easy keeping a conversation going with his mother, she'd gladly talk for hours if anyone let her and did not require anyone to give much of a response, and right now Logan hoped to simply let her speak until she deemed she was done.

Then maybe he could fall back asleep, if the universe was feeling kind. Otherwise he supposed he'd get out of bed and make breakfast, drink a couple of cups of tea until Virgil woke up. But then of course he ran out of whichever luck he had had so far.

"Shush, early, no talking, only sleep." His boyfriend mumbled, moving his hand up to put it over Logan's mouth. That maybe could have gone unnoticed, his mom was probably not paying close enough attention to him to see that that wasn't his own arm but then, after removing his hand, Virgil seemed to have decided to push himself up enough to press a sleepy kiss to Logan's cheek, and that did definitely not go unnoticed.

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