[196] - Building A Life, Filmed By Roman

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Warnings: no, this is sappy as hell lol

Me: what a stupid idea i cant write videos lol
My brain: lol


"Alright, so why are we here? Because I know when you're up to something." Logan said, seating himself on Roman and Patton's grey couch after having been immediately ushered towards the living room when they had greeted their friends and taken their shoes off. Virgil sat down next to him and Patton practically dragged his husband with him to sit too.

"We have something for you. It's, well you could call it a wedding gift, sort of." Roman said, reaching for the remote and turning the tv on, taking a moment to start whatever he was attempting to do, but soon the tv screen showed a paused low quality video.

Both of them looked over at Patton and Roman who were both smiling.

"Roman did all the filming and I helped a little with some editing. I think you'll like it." Patton said and Roman pressed play before they had the chance to ask what it even was they were looking at.

"-it, wait, say that again?" Roman's voice said and the video, obviously shot on Roman's phone, shifted to show Logan instead of under a bar table they were apparently sitting at. Logan, who seemed oblivious to the fact that he was being recorded, stared into a glass of something that was for sure alcohol and sighed deeply.

"Roman, come on."

"No, no, this is important, did you, Logan feelings-are-stupid Sanders, just tell me you think you have feelings for Virgil?" Roman said, sounding a whole lot more excited than Logan looked as he glared at Roman as if he was worried about the other people at the bar overhearing their conversation.

"That is not my middle name and I already regret telling you this, Roman. Let's not make a big deal out of this." Logan said quietly, glancing to the side.

"It is a big deal! Now, tell me everything, what made you realize you like him?" Roman sounded incredibly excited, meanwhile Logan had the look of someone who wanted to take his words back.

"Why does this feel like an interrogation? This is why I don't talk about feelings, you are far too excited about it." Logan accused, emptying his glass and moving it to the side next to a bunch of other empty glasses that Roman and Logan were already done with. After a few moments of silence Logan ran a hand through his hair and sighed, again.

"He just... makes me feel happy, and listened to, and gay. Very gay. Have you seen him?" Logan questioned, seeming to wait for an actual response.

"Yeah, Lo, I've seen him."

"He is so pretty. I like his make up and his hoodie he always wears, and his smile makes me smile, and stupid butterflies in my stomach and everything. And I don't think I'm even mad about it because spending time with him makes me so happy. I just want to be with him, Roman." Past Logan rambled and present Virgil felt as if (happily) crying a little wouldn't be a strange reaction. All he did was to reach out and grasp Logan's hand.

"This is so precious. If sober you could hear this conversation..." Roman said with a laugh and Logan reached for Roman's drink.

"Sober me hasn't fully realized or accepted these feelings yet, why do you think we're drinking?" He said, taking a sip from his friend's glass, without Roman even protesting.

"So, are you going to ask him on a date or do I have to get Patton to help me set you two up on a blind date?" He said and Logan pulled a face.

"It wouldn't be a blind date, we know each other, we're already friends."

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