[126] - Coffee, Asexuality, And Stars

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Warnings: slight anxiety, mentions of being subjected to aphobia in the past

I know I wrote a fic about ace Logan a little while ago, but I love the headcanon that one or both of them are ace and also I do what I want


They've been on five dates now, soon they'll be on their sixth, and Virgil is more nervous than he'd like to admit. Maybe more nervous than he was when waiting to see if Logan would show up for their first date, because now he actually liked him.

Virgil feels like the two of them have gotten to know each other quite well, and there are definitely some feelings involved by now.

They ended the last date with a kiss and it had left Virgil feeling as exhilarated as if he'd just been on a rollercoaster and he'd been full of energy for the whole next day.

Indeed, whatever Virgil might have worried about when first deciding on a date with Logan had long since faded. Except for one thing. Virgil had not mentioned the fact that he was asexual, and from all past relationships he had had, which to be fair were not too many, he knew that not everyone took it well.

One past boyfriend had accused him of just not wanting to engage in anything intimate with him and they'd ended up breaking up after Virgil had been unable to make him understand that he didn't feel sexual attraction towards anyone at all.

Another one he'd found out was cheating on him and when confronting his ex about it he'd tried to justify it by saying that if Virgil wasn't willing to have sex with him them he shouldn't be hurt when someone else was. Needless to say Virgil had ended that relationship quickly too.

The very least he expected from a partner was for him to accept and respect all aspects of his sexuality.

So, Virgil did have good reason to be nervous about tonight, and he had good reason not to have included his asexuality in his dating profile, he didn't need to be ridiculed or offered by creepy men to be 'fixed'. No, Virgil might be worried, but he preferred it this way.

His friends had told him that there probably was no need to worry, but they'd also said that if Logan would have a problem with it they'd both kick his ass, which didn't actually calm Virgil by much. He did not want people to be hurt or threatened, he just wanted them to respect him.

Virgil resented the whole of society's mentality that men had to 'want it', because he really didn't. He'd been repulsed by the thought of sex since he was old enough to understand what it was. It had not changed by puberty, and he felt the same now, age thirty.

Virgil realized he was doing a bad job of keeping his mind occupied. Thinking of how he was going to come out to the guy he was dating was exactly what he'd decided he was not going to focus on for now. It would not do anyone any good if he was having an anxiety attack when Logan came here expecting them to have a lovely time together, Virgil really needed to not work himself up about this.

So here he was sitting in a cozy small coffee shop, fingers drumming against the surface of the table as he waited. He was tempted to order a coffee already, had been since he set foot inside the shop and felt the amazing smell of coffee, but it might be considered rude to not wait for his date.

According to Logan's text he'd be there in five or so minutes, and that message had been received a few minutes ago, meaning Logan would show up at any moment. Despite the worry that occupied most of Virgil's thoughts he still couldn't help wishing Logan was already here with him.

He was already awfully fond of Logan.

The bell above the shop's door dinged softly, and Virgil turned his head, seeing Logan. He was dressed in a black button up, light grey jeans, and a blue tie. So far Logan had always worn a tie when he'd seen him. Virgil liked that, for some reason. It suited Logan.

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