A few days later, King and his friends are talking. Aramide seemed to be watching King. A football rolled to her and she smirked as a terrible idea came to mind.

She closed one eye and kicked the ball directly at King's face. It was a perfect hit.

"Shit! Ouch!" King yelped. His nose bled and Aramide stifled a smile.

"King! Are you alright?!" John asked concerned.

"Do I look like I'm alright?!" King yelled and winced. "who threw that?". He glared at his friends then spotted Aramide stifling a laugh.

He glared at her, "that witch". King walked to her and towered over her. Aramide got up.

"You witch,how dare you?" King gritted his teeth. "you kicked that ball into my nose! It's bleeding now!".

Aramide placed her finger on her chin while batting her eyelids and pouting as if she cared. She does the baby sign and laughed quietly. She pushed him aside and walked away. King watched her angrily.

At King's hostel, he glared at the wall. Wesley walked in and saw him like that.

"I heard what Aramide did, does your nose still hurt?" Wesley asked, sitting next to King. The nose looked purple, a bruise had formed.

He tried to touch it but King slapped his hand. "She is going to pay,I mean it" King said.

"This is going too far, you guys are hurting yourselves. If you don't stop now, you guys will regret it" Wesley warned.

"Shut up Wes" King snapped at him and walked out.

"No one ever listens to me" Wes said with a sigh.

About 2 days later, Aramide and Vera are walking and they notice some people are staring at her. Aramide turned to Vera wondering. Why is everyone staring at me like that? She typed.

"I have no idea" Vera shrugged though worried that King might have done something.

Tomiwa suddenly rushed to them. He asked, "have you guys seen the news on the bulletin board?".

"What news?" Vera asked.

"Come see" Tomiwa answered. They follow him to the bulletin board and see a message.

Aramide Alordiah AKA the silent girl.

This girl does not belong here. She is a cheap begging conniving rat who lied her way to our midst. She is nowhere in our league. Her brother goes to the public school in Ikosi and is a hooligan. I won't be surprised if she is a whore or a beggar or a freeloader.

She is just a poor beggar in our midst. Her father was even a kidnapper.

Aramide paled at reading that. 'How did he find out?' She thought.

She can't afford our lifestyle so she acts like she belongs.

That is it about Aramide Alordiah.

"Is it true Ara?" Tomiwa asked. They see Aramide looked pale.

Vera slapped the back of Tomiwa's head scoldingly. "Moron, you know King would do anything to spite her."

'How dare he lie about me like that and he had the guts to tell the entire school about my dad' Aramide thought angrily. She curled her fist and typed on her phone. Where is King?.

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