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"Oh come on!"

I screamed as I tried to tame my wild midnight black hair. It just wouldn't go down. I don't hate my hair; on the contrary, I love it. But sometimes it gets a little too rough, like right now. If I don't manage to get this wild bush back straight in about three minutes, I will be so late to college again. Just thinking of what happened the last time sent a shiver down my spine.

So embarrassing. Imagine yourself standing in front of the class while the professor brutally rains down on your pride. That thought alone had me packing my things, leaving my hair the way it was, and running out of my apartment to my car and speeding down to school.


Shoving people out of my way, and rushing to the cafeteria after four brutal hours of pure torture, in the form of psychology felt like a dream come true. I was hungry, so hungry. If I had waited for even a minute extra in that class, I would have died, and I am not even exaggerating. I have heard of people who died because of a minute of added hunger, well not really but it could happen... I think.

I waited so long in line, that I thought I was dying, so as soon as I got my food, I went for the first empty table I could find and started devouring it.

I moaned out loudly, eating the last piece of fries off my plate.

"Well, that was entertaining," I heard someone say beside me. looking around, I noticed I wasn't alone. Three guys had occupied the table.

"Um, hey sorry I didn't notice you guys here. Is this seat taken?"
I pointed at where I sat.

"Well, you are sitting on it, right? So it's taken," the guy opposite me said, smiling at me.

"Well, thanks anyway and sorry for what you witnessed and for the mess too."

Just noticing the mess on the table, I stood up waving them bye.

Hunting for any of my friends didn't take long as I speed walked to the loudest table in the cafeteria.

"What's all the hype about this time," I said sitting down. At that, my friend Grace jumped up squealing.

"Oh JJ, thank heavens your here, Kyle got us invited to the party."
It took a moment before it sank in.

"You mean today's party?"

"Yep, the one and only."

"Wow, that is just, wow."

Turning to the others, Nora, Kyle, and Jess. They all looked at me with the same excitement. I could understand their hype, It was the most talked-about party all year, which was happening today and we were invited, it was huge, well for us that was a big thing.

"And do explain to us JJ, why your hair looks like you just fought a wild monkey and defeated it?"

Nora asked with a scowl on her face.

"Ha-ha, very funny Nora."

I stood up from the table ready to leave for my next class when I felt it.

"Oh no... Not again," I thought

A familiar, electrifying tingle ran through my fingers. It wasn't exactly a tingle, it was like an itch, that no matter how much I scratched it, it just wouldn't go. Not until something bad or annoying happens.

Just as I thought about it, someone came crashing at our table, sending a bowl of spaghetti flying in my direction. I stepped away just in time, for it to land on the floor beside me. "Woah! That would've been on my face."

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