Chapter 48 - Decisions

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Taehyung couldn't wait to get back to his room and just end the stupid dinner with the Jeon's. He didn't care about anything anymore. Jungkook just sat there in front of him trying to be polite and at least save him from some of the pestering questions and none sense their parents kept rambling on about. His heart was so numb and his eyes felt like they were swollen and sore from crying. His servants that were along side Hobi spent an extra amount of time getting him ready because he refused to get out of his bathroom. They needed to apply additional makeup on his face because he kept messing it up.

Whenever a servant passed by him carrying the silver pitcher of wine he would always ask his crystal glass to be refilled. He only nibbled on some cheese and never ate anything on his plate. As soon as the dinner ended, he quickly excused himself not missing the disapproving hard glare his father shot him. He was already tipsy and didn't care what the Jeon's thought plus King Juyeo seemed to be more focused on his father anyway.

Before he went to his room, Taehyung passed by the kitchen and straight to the buttery. They had tons of stacked barrels of wine and alcoholic beverages. Some were made in the castle and some were gifted from past suitors. And some were generally tokens of appreciation from the town's people.

"You! Bring this to my room." Taehyung ordered one of the servants as he pointed at one of the barrels of aged wine. He didn't care about the worried looks all of the servants gave him. It was very unusual to see the prince in the buttery because he never went there. Jimin was following him around keeping his head low making sure whatever the price ordered and wanted was obeyed. The servants scrambled as they prepared one of the barrels to carry up to the 7th floor. Taehyung grabbed one bottle of the sweet red wines as he walked out of there opening and chugging it down.

When he and Jimin got to his room, he was dismayed that he was still just tipsy; the wine wasn't strong enough. He thought it was possibly because of all the walking. He stripped his purple and gold embroidered tunic leaving his white long sleeves that had thick ruffles on the chest and ruffles and lace on the wrists which were then stained with red wine after carelessly downing a bottle.

He wanted to escape everything and if he could not physically do so then he just wanted to drown himself in alcohol to numb out the pain he felt in his chest and his whole being.

After quickly bathing himself, he pulled on a robe and walked straight to the barrel that was thankfully there already and hastily twisted the knob filling his silver cup.

He threw his head back letting the alcohol from his second cup slide down his throat. Some of it spilled down his cheeks dirtying his robe. He frailly took the cup back to the spigot filling up his third cup.

"Taehyungie .. I think you've had enough.." Jimin softly says as he gently holds on to Taehyung's arm trying to get him away from the barrel.

"N-nnh.. no .." Taehyung weakly pushes Jimin away as he downs his fourth cup. He placed the cup down on the a table with a clank and burped loudly and sat down on to the love seat staring at his feet.

"I think you should get to bed now.. The tournament starts early tomorrow.." Jimin suggests with a worried look on his face. Taehyung needed to be there because his judgement was crucial, they were trying to woo him with their skills after all.

"HAHAHAha! .." Taehyung started to laugh loudly clutching his stomach. "As if I care??!" he says as he slowly calmed down. He stood back up as he wobbled to the barrel. His face and neck down to his chest was red now; he was drunk.

"Taehyung .. " Jimin says trying to pull him away from the barrel. Taehyung held on Jimin's wrist.

"Tell me w-where he is.. B-bring me to him.." he plead. "Help me g-get out of here.." he tries to search Jimin's eyes.

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