Chapter 29 - Indecisive

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It was another day, Taehyung came in early just to be frustrated with how close yet so far Jin was yet again in his reach.

Namjoon was again, showing off how alpha he was with carrying around heavy things and forking out hard manure. The other stable-boys were asked to help at the construction site because Jackson was going frantic with the time left until the Prince's birthday. They weren't even halfway through completing the indoor arena, he needed all the alpha help he could get.

Why can't Namjoon go and show off his strength at the construction site instead and leave me and Seokjin alone then? Taehyung thought while watching Namjoon with daggers in his eyes. He was busy refilling the water trough for the horses after he fed them.

Seokjin was busy completing the upgrade of the horseshoes because they weren't able to complete all 20 horses yesterday. Namjoon was left with all the cleaning of manure and such.

He had removed his long sleeved top and tied it around his waist. His tank top was soaked in his sweat as he forked out the crap and shovel it onto the wheelbarrow. His apple bonfire wood scent was thick in the air with how worked up he was. Every stall Seokjin went in to change a horse's shoe, Namjoon would start to clean as well. He was always around Seokjin like a leech.

Taehyung's nose crinkled up smelling the overpowering scent of the alpha. He wanted to gag. He somehow wished he was a beta as well because Seokjin didn't seem to be bothered at all as he was so focused with installing the horse shoes perfectly. Taehyung can't take it anymore, he observed which stall Seokjin goes to and he prepared himself to clean the next one Seokjin was going to visit. Even though he hated the manure, he would suck it up just so he could at least breathe the same air as Seokjin even if it smelt like crap.

He went in the stall ready with his fork and shovel waiting for Seokjin to enter and shoo Namjoon away because he would clean it. He started working, a few seconds later, Seokjin entered and was surprised to see him there.


"Yes?" Taehyung turned around like it was natural for him to be cleaning out the stall. As if he wasn't bothered with the manure. Seokjin was smiling at him as he carried the tools for changing the horseshoes in his arms. He settled the crate down beside V.

"Are you okay?" Seokjin's hand went to his shoulder and started massaging it a little. Seokjin was well aware that V hated doing work around the crap. There were other tasks that needed to be tended to that didn't require close contact with the waste. V was too delicate for Seokjin to allow him to work around the stench, he just didn't want V around such dirty work, it seemed like he didn't belong there. He had a feeling V was just trying to do this because he wanted to spend more time with him.

"Why wouldn't I be?" Taehyung asks, restraining himself from hugging Seokjin already.

"Babe, I don't want you working around the waste. We can spend more time together after the event, I promise." Seokjin whispers cupping his face with one hand.

You don't understand. Taehyung answers in his mind leaning against Seokjin's hand looking at his eyes, he wished he could just telepathically tell Seokjin everything.

The sound of the wheelbarrow is heard steadily getting louder meaning Namjoon was nearing the stall. Seokjin landed a tender kiss on his lips as he took the tool off his hands.

"Namjoonah, this is the second to the last stall you'll be working on right?" Seokjin calls out to Namjoon as the latter entered the stall they were in. Taehyung was standing there still eyes closed from Seokjin kissing him, not noticing Seokjin wasn't in front of him anymore and the manure fork was no longer in his hands. He looked at Seokjin handing the fork towards Namjoon. NO. He protests in his mind.

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