Chapter 25 - The date

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"... and that's why I'm afraid of bees." Seokjin says anxiously as he then inhales a breath and continues on to the next fact he had in mind.

The date started quite awkwardly. Seokjin could not for the love of him look V in the eyes. His cheeks were in a shade of pink but he seemed pale, horror was written all over his face. They sat there eating the sandwiches and pastry he prepared in silence. Taehyung tried to sit beside him but whenever he does so, Seokjin would move to the other side of the picnic blanket discreetly as if V were a plague.

Taehyung thought it was cute at first but he was getting annoyed as to why Seokjin seemed to be avoiding him. So then he started the conversation with Seokjin asking him just random questions and Seokjin would answer timidly. After some time he was hinting at what happened on the horse ride to the lake and that's where Seokjin started spewing out random knowledge he has about anything his eyes landed on to avoid addressing what happened. He was trying so hard to change the topic because he was so ashamed of himself.

He saw the chamomile bouquet on the blanket and started telling V facts about pollen and then the topic changed to bees. He told V about a story when he was young and he accidentally poked a huge beehive while cleaning out their barn when he was young and a swarm of bees came after him and he ended up being bedridden for about a week. And because of that story, a mischievous smile crept on to Taehyung's lips.

"...hyung..." V says quietly with a scared expression on his face. Eyes wide and jaw dropped.

"What?" Seokjin asks, not looking at V. He was quite relaxed now opening the next basket he has that carried the fresh strawberries his mom harvested for them and drinks.

"...S-Seokjin?" V asks. He was now crawling on fours slowly towards the other.

Being called by his name made Seokjin look up at Taehyung. His brows furrowed looking at V.


"Don't move!! There's something..." Taehyung was slowly inching to Seokjin pointing at the other's chest.

Seokjin is now panicking. His eyes grew into plates as his face expressed worry, he was starting to pant as his arms were hanging in mid air.

"...i-i-is th-there a b-b-bee?" he asks nervously, eyes starting to water. Taehyung was still crawling closer to him with the horrified expression on his face glancing at Seokjin's chest and his face. Seokjin was starting to slowly move his head down to look at his chest when Taehyung suddenly pounced on him.

"AAAh!" Seokjin screamed as he was forced to lay on the grass beyond the blanket. Taehyung's weight pressed against him as the curly haired boy started laughing.

"YES! There's... a V..."

He laughed cutely showing his boxy smile rubbing his forehead on Seokjin's chest. He could feel Seokjin's heavy breathing. He pressed his ear on his chest to enjoy hearing Seokjin's frantic heart beat.

"You almost gave me a heart attack!!!" Seokjin exclaimed looking at the tree leaves high above them. He was evening out his breathing as he let out a sigh of relief. He started to chuckle as he placed his left had on Taehyung's hair and ruffled it. "Youu." he says as he smiles.

Taehyung crawled up to his face as he propped his arms on either side of Seokjin's head, their legs in each other. Seokjin's view of the sky and the tree was now covered in Taehyung. He didn't look away and let his eyes be blessed by this otherworldly view. V was so incredibly handsome.. even god-like. The sunlight behind him gave him a light glow making him look so heavenly but with a hint of mischief in his eyes. Seokjin was speechless, just observing Taehyung's eyebrows, to his eyes, to his nose, and his moles to his lips.

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