Chapter 35 - Moon watching

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TW: Graphic scenes

It was totally different than how you would read it in romance novels and how they acted this scene out in the theater. It burns!

Taehyung was holding tight on the makeshift rope he made from his curtains and sheets out from his balcony. His hands, arms and thighs are burning now from slowly trying to make his way down safely onto a tree and climb his way down. His room was high up on the 7th floor of the castle and it was already 11:15 in the evening. He was almost an hour and a half late with his rendezvous with Seokjin at the huge oak tree on the east side of the forest.

He made his way down safely and he was so proud of himself for not getting caught. He ran all the way to the east side making sure to keep an eye out for any guards roaming the castle. He couldn't believe he escaped Jiminie. "Haha! Sucker! That will teach you." He thought.

He was still totally bitter about Jimin flirting with Seokjin. His hands were shaking from holding on to the make-shift rope for quite some time and it was a little bit chilly. He regretted forgetting to wear a coat over his white long sleeved shirt because he felt like his teeth were starting to chatter. But it didn't phase him, he wished Seokjin was still there waiting for him. This would be the last date he would get to have with Seokjin before his heat, which was in two days!

The moon was high up and the sky was so clear that it illuminated the atmosphere. It was easy for Taehyung to find his way in the dark. He was panting as he paused and leaned his hand on a tree looking up ahead at the oak tree. A smile immediately shaped his lips as he sees RJ. The moonlight made the white horse look like he was glowing in the dark, but just behind RJ was Seokjin seated on the trunk of the oak tree, and he looked even more majestic basking in the moonlight.

Seokjin was folding the letter that Jimin handed to him earlier into a swan. He read the letter a couple of times now and he has memorized what was written on it.

"Sorry I couldn't come into work today. There was a sudden complication with father's health but he is recovering very fast. I'll still be seeing you at the same spot tonight by 10:00pm. See you, V."

Seokjin pulled out his pocket watch to check the time and it was already 11:30. He huffed thinking if he should go home now. He was worried thinking that something must have happened to V. Should he walk around looking for him? He didn't know where he lived. Was he going to show up? Did something bad happen to him or his father?

"What are you doing still sitting there?" All of a sudden Seokjin heard V's voice and he looked up. A smile grew on his face as relief washed over him seeing V. He scrambled to stand up and jogged towards Taehyung who was already mounting himself on RJ. He excitedly straddled RJ and sat behind V and gave him a back hug.

"You missed me that much?" V says, loving Seokjin's arms around him as he leaned back on Seokjin's warm chest.

"Yes, you don't know how worried I was." Seokjin says as he tightened his hug on Taehyung' body, leaving a kiss on Taehyung's cheek. Taehyung hummed in content.

"Let's go then." Taehyung says as he pulled on RJ's reins prompting the horse to move forward.


The night was chill but not too cold, the distant sound of an owl's hoot can be heard as they laid there on the picnic blanket that Seokjin prepared gazing up at the wondrous full moon at the same spot near the lake like on their first date, cuddling. Taehyung was lying down on his outstretched arm as he hugged Seokjin's body as they were covered underneath Seokjin's coat, their legs tangled together. They had been chatting about Taehyung's fake father and random things, Seokjin had asked where he lived and he gave Hobi's family's address, which he took a mental note to inform Hobi about.

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