Chapter 10 - Weak Knees

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They both arrived at the stable and Seokjin asked him to help muck out a bit and to replace the spoiled bedding out. Taehyung was just nodding and listening thinking about how he could make Seokjin want him.

Taehyung was used to helping Samchon Seokjung years ago and he looked the part. The work was a piece of cake for him except the parts where you'd need to get close to manure. His Samchon never allowed him to get close to waste since he was the Prince after all but allowed him to change the bedding, feed, groom and ride the horses for exercise. Even though he had gloves and would use a shovel, Taehyung still felt icky as he scrunched up his nose. Seokjin noticed and chuckled silently. He doesn't let V realize but he did most of the job pertaining to waste as he tasked V to do other things instead.

The latter noticed though and he felt so giddy watching Seokjin as he hid behind a horse as he was gently brushing Mang's mane and untangling his hair with his fingers. He kept his eyes on the older the whole time. Looking away when Seokjin would turn to his direction acting as if he was so concentrated with the horse's hair.

He felt butterflies in his stomach while watching as Seokjin carried heavy sacks of oats from one end to the other. Seokjin had removed his jacket and had his sleeves rolled up to his elbows. His white long sleeved shirt was almost see-through because of his sweat and the top two buttons were unbuttoned. He had his hair pushed back revealing his forehead by wiping his sweat off with his fingers as some hair would fall back again.

He watched as a droplet of sweat slowly made it's way from his jaw gracing his Adam's apple and down his shirt between his peeking chest as Seokjin was focused on where to place the sack he was carrying on his wide shoulders. Taehyung's knees were growing weak so he leaned on to the next horse he was grooming, Koya.

Taehyung doesn't know what came over him. He was releasing his pheromones all over the place, slightly getting excited when he would hear Seokjin sniff and getting annoyed that the latter won't even spare him a glance.

He was fully aware that Seokjin was NOT an Alpha and it could not possibly work between the both of them adding to the fact that Seokjin was not a royal. But his heart thought otherwise... Or was it lust? He was so attracted to Seokjin even though he wasn't getting any pheromones poured at him like how Alpha's usually would at the sight of him. Deep in his gut, he felt like he knew Seokjin for a long time now and he misses him so much.

Seokjin went to the other side of the stable. It was too far for Taehyung to watch so he quietly followed eyeing another horse close to where Seokjin had stopped. He was walking towards the horse at first but looked at Seokjin while he was walking. It was such a glorious sight as Seokjin was chugging a glass of water. His head was thrown back, eyes closed, lips kissing the glass as his Adam's apple bobbed up and down whilst being all sweaty.

Taehyung was still walking, jaw dropped as he was looking at Seokjin unable to blink or think. Not looking at where he was going, he forcefully slammed himself straight from his groin on a hitching rail and almost stumbled over a watering trough for the horses. * Seokjin was quick to pull him at the arm before his face even hit the water since he was close enough.

"Woah, you should have told me you were thirsty too! We have human water here, you don't have to share with the horses." He jokes as he chuckles at a flustered and pained Taehyung.

Tae was hunched over trying to compose himself for a bit realizing he was half hard when he slammed onto the rail. When the pain soothed over he slowly looked up at Seokjin trying to straighten his back.

"Oh, God." He was even more ethereal up close. His lips were looking all soft and moist after drinking, his cheeks were flushed, slightly red and his body was radiating heat from all the work he's been doing. And his nipples were visible up close on his toned chest from his sweaty shirt. Taehyung gulped, suddenly feeling all hot. His face is burning and his dick was getting hard again as he felt himself getting wet.

"How is this happening?!" He tried to calm his heartbeat. If it wasn't for the rain pouring on the roof and the sounds that the horses made, he felt like Seokjin would hear it.

He shook his head trying to not act so obvious although he knows he's exploded pheromone bombs all over the space surrounding him and Seokjin. He could smell his scent heavy in the air filling it in sweet strawberries and fresh pine needles.

"Y-yeah... May I h-have a glass, p-please?" He internally groaned at himself for stuttering.

Maybe he does need a drink. Better yet, he might actually need to go out into the pouring rain to alleviate the heat he felt in his stomach and his whole body. It felt as though Seokjin was about to trigger his heat.

"Maybe if Seokjin knew who I was... Would he make a move?... Ugh, why am I rushing things? It's the first time he's met me after all. Doesn't he like me?"

Taehyung was trying to rationalize as to why Seokjin wasn't acting the same way he was. He was so hard to read. It was totally different compared to his Alpha suitors. He remembers how effortless it was to start making out with an Alpha he found attractive. Their pheromones gave out how they felt easily and they could make the other feel things without saying a word and that won't even take a few minutes. But he's spent a few hours almost pining over Seokjin now and the latter has done nothing. He was getting frustrated.

He wasn't as hot as he was a few minutes ago now since he was starting to feel displeased with how oblivious Seokjin was. It was decent since his boner calmed down, just in time as Seokjin got back to him with a full glass of water.

"I'm so sorry if I have to ask, but I just want to make sure. Are you an Alpha?" Seokjin asked as he handed the glass of water towards V. His voice was throaty. He sniffed and wiped his nose with the back of his hand when he felt a watery fluid slide down.

Seeing the revolted face of the younger, he quickly pulled up his shirt to wipe his nose even more thinking mucus must have smeared through his cheek.

"Oh, gosh. I'm sorry for being gross. I think I caught the flu bad.. haha. Gross hyung-ah." He says as he looked down and scratched the back of his head.

"Oh... So that's why he was sniffing. And... he still doesn't know I'm an Omega?" The younger's revolted face was actually more of a crestfallen expression because he then realized Seokjin might not be attracted to him and here he was turning into puddle in front of him. Or at least he wasn't captivated by his pheromones.. Maybe he just needs to work on letting him know his interest in a different way rather than relying on his scent? "What about my identity? Would he want me if he knew who I really was?"

This odd scenario triggered a quirky idea in the younger's mind as he confidently said,

"It's okay, hyung. I'm a Beta like you." 


So, did you survive the 2019 MMA's? They were phenomenal! I'm typing from my grave 😂

* Remember when Taehyung slammed himself on that box thing while he was watching Seokjin from that one episode from RUN? That inspired one part of this story. hahhahahh I love that moment.

The Prince's Stableman | TaejinΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα