Chapter 14 - Bestie Accomplice

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Taehyung POV

"I cant believe my eyes. Why didn't being mated cross my mind about Seokjin??? Of course he was! Just look at him!"

V's fists were tightly balled beside him as he stared at how Namjoon had his arms around Jin and how they were both smiling and laughing.

He was seething, gathering all the self control he could muster trying to keep himself sane and not throw a shovel at Namjoon's face.


Panting heavily, I arrived at the backdoor of the castle and was about to run up at one side of the imperial stair case only to halt by a strong angered Alpha scent just behind me. My breathe hitches, coldness shivers down my spine as I turned to face the Alpha.

"Do you know what kind of scolding I go through when you don't show up at important meetings your mom and dad appoint you?!" Yoongi says with a death stare pointed directly at me. Sheesh...

"They can always reschedule it?? I mean, I'm the prince after all. Isn't my time more important than..."

"What impression do you want your people and other kingdoms to have of you, huh? Do you want them to see that you can't be trusted with important matters? That you can't even commit your time to them?" he says with disappointment as he interrupts me abruptly.

Remembering the words that came out of Seokjin's mouth earlier, I felt bad about letting them down when knowing people like Seokjin.. Seokjin looked up to me. That I could actually bring our kingdom to a bright future and carry on the legacy from my parents.

But by breaking the "rules", I met Seokjin. So that wasn't a really big mistake now, was it? I mean... My happiness is actually an important matter, because who would like a mad ruler, right? And basically, Seokjin is still part of our "people" and I am ready to commit my time and myself to him like what they want me to commit to my duties for our "people".

I snicker as a huge grin grew on my face. I looked down remembering the time I spent with Seokjin, my foot drawing circles on the marble floor.

"Do you find this funny?" The evil imp says putting is hands on his waist.

"No.. no.. I..." I say as I wave my hands in front of him shaking my head from left to right as I try to erase the smile from my face but failing.

"And what are you even wearing? A stable boy's uniform? Is that where you've been? Taehyung, you can't always trust everyone here just because they are inside the palace. Not everyone can be trusted since they change people almost all the time! I mean, management checks them and all but they are also ALL Alphas!! This is why you have me! And your scent! What if they scent you?? What if someone knows you?!! You know your scent make Alphas go crazy even if you're not in heat?? What if you get in trouble and I don't even know where you are?! Your parents will kill me!!!" Yoongi exclaims almost forgetting to breathe.

Oh , shit. My smile faded instantly, eyes slightly widened. I totally forgot about what I'm wearing. I still wanted to go back to Seokjin tomorrow and if Yoongi knows what I'm planning to do, him and his military guard minions might stop me or follow me and crowd around me when I'm there and... and I won't have any time alone with Seokjin. They might even stop me from going there but like, I can always sneak out. But I don't want him to be suspicious about the stable because they might always check there, tsk.

"Yoongiieeshiiieeeehyuuuuuuung... This is just a costume. I asked Hobi to get me a pair from the stable some time ago because I'm planning on directing a new play at the theatre... I just wanted to do something in memory of my samchon..." I say with my puppy eyes, I know Yoongie hyung always softens when I do that and wow, that idea wasn't bad at all. That might actually be good for a play in honor of my beloved samchon.

"What's that?"

Oh, crap.

Hobi was up the stairs looking down at us with his head tilted looking at me.

"Uhm, I was just telling Yoongi hyung that I was planning on making a play about stablemen and that I asked you to get me this uniform."

"Is that true?" Yoongi faced Hobi at the top of the stairs and as soon as he did I blinked my eyes rapidly at Hobi, winked at him, pursed my lips and everything, signaling him to go along with it.

"Uhh.. yeah, yeah. How is the play going?" Hobi says as he started walking down the stairs. Yoongi was watching him.

Thank god. I love you Hobi.

"Oh! Everything's been great. It might take me some time to finish it though. I was working on it in the far west side of the castle. Hehe.." Yes, very clever Taehyung. Direct Yoongi hyung far away from the stable as possible.

"O-okay then." Yoongi clears his throat.

Weird. He always acts this way around Hobi. Haha, it's so funny how Mr. General Min Yoongi sir, an Alpha, gets intimidated by my best friend who is an omega. I teased them about being a couple but hyung scolds me because he already has a wife. I mean, I don't get it. They just have this thing and Hobi won't tell me anything. Buut... I just know it.

"Next time tell me where you're going so I can make sure you're safe, okay?"

"Yes, sir!" I exclaimed as I gave Yoongi a salute straightening my back, smiling all the way.

"I'm trusting you. My men also told me they didn't have any trace of you from the stables this morning. So, should we reschedule the meeting for tomorrow then? Yoongi asks seriously.

"Uhh.. In the afternoon. I'm not really feeling all too well..."

"Okay, then. I'll inform them. Excuse me."

He bows at me and at Hobi and walks away. The atmosphere was suddenly bright and happy as soon as the ball of coldness was out of sight.

"Yes!" I started doing a little dance, shaking my bottom forgetting Hobi was there.

"Uhh.. Okay? So what are you really up to? What have you made me lie about this time? And.. why are you so happy??"

Hobi asks as he positions himself in front of me with his arms crossed on his chest. He was smiling but his eyebrows were knitted together, curious.

I chuckled and hugged him. I was really happy. I have never felt like this about any Alpha I've met before. I feel butterflies in my stomach when I think about him. It's as if I've known Seokjin for a long time and I.. I miss him already.

"It's a secret." I told Hobi as I show him my tongue when I released him from my hug.

"No. No. You have to tell me! I just saved your ass from Mr. Coldfoot a few seconds ago!"

"You mean your boyfriend?" I ask as a sly smile crept on my face as I wiggle my eyebrows at Hobi.

"YOU!!" He yells as he tries to catch me when I started running up the stairs to my room.


Ugh. They were just so handsome at the 2019 Jinglebell ball. Like. When are they not?? 😭

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