Chapter 18 - Where are you?

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Taehyung woke up from the smell of hot chocolate. His eyes shoot open thinking it was Seokjin.

He laughed at himself when realization hit him that he was alone and well, half naked in his bed. He thanked Hobi silently in his mind when he saw the breakfast Hobi prepared for him on the table near his bed. It had three pancakes, bacon and eggs. A bowl of strawberries, blueberries, peaches and apple slices and a cup of hot chocolate. He saw the uniform Hobi collected and the paperwork he forged on the love seat he had on the end of his King size bed as well.

It was 5:30 and Taehyung was excited to start his day as "V" and work with Seokjin. He stood up and slowly dragged the table towards the bed to start eating. While doing so, the door suddenly opened. Taehyung was surprised since he was still half naked and didn't have any trousers on. He quickly sat on his bed to cover his lap with his blanket.

"Oh, come on. It's not like I haven't seen that before!" Hobi says jokingly as he closed the door behind him.

"Ugh. I know but knocking is not so hard to do, you know??" Taehyung says irritatingly.

Hobi helps him with his heat so seeing his dong was unavoidable.

"I was getting worried that your food was getting cold so I came back. Good thing your awake now." Hobi states.

"Yeah.." Taehyung smiles as he reached for the hot chocolate. He takes a sniff and a small sip. He was smiling again as he recalls Seokjin.

"Is the hot chocolate that good??" Hobi says as he sits down beside him.

"Heheh.. It's.. It's the guy's scent. He smells like chocolate.." Taehyung says as a blush dusts his cheeks.

"OH. Oh, youuuu. You must have been busy last night, huh??" Hobi teases Tae, gesturing how he wasn't wearing any pants and poking his cheeks.

"Stoop." Taehyung brushes Hobi's hands away as he started slicing his pancakes to eat, smiling.

Taehyung usually eats his breakfast in his room when his parents weren't around because what was the point of being seated at the end of a long ass dining table alone. It was quiet and uncomfortable. Hobi usually eats with him in his room or when Hobi was already done eating while making his food, he recites Taehyung's agenda for the day. This is where his mom and dad outlined his schedule and his to-do-list.

"So since you told Yoongi that you didn't feel well yesterday, the whole morning is yours. Then by 3:00 later this afternoon, you need to be back in the castle because we need to be present at the meeting. The one you skipped yesterday. The head of Martial and General Yoongi (he says mockingly as Tae throws a blueberry at him giggling) need to discuss the recent group of omega trainees with you. They have been teaching them at their training camp. Apparently they've been learning karate and stuff. Imagine your guards to be like ninjas??? Wow, that's hot. (Taehyung nudges him.) Maybe they could teach me some moves? Hahahaha."

Taehyung was just eating and waiting for Hobi to tell him everything about his agenda.

"Aaand theeeen.. oh, that's that. That's all you have for today. So please don't be late. We don't want any issue with General Yoongi, okay?"

"Uhuh.." Taehyung nods as he swallowed his last bite and downed his cup of chocolate.

"Okay, then. I'll trust you to be back okay? I'll see you later." Hobi closes the door behind him and Tae starts to get ready.

He took a bath using scent blocker soaps, lotions and sprayed on that Wild Chamomile Beta Perfume. He also transferred some to a smaller glass bottle and slipped it in his pocket.

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