Chapter 40 - Spirea and Tiger flowers

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"I still think you should thank me." Jungkook says leaning back on the wall, pouting childishly staring at the ceiling as he slowly approached Jimin and stood near him outside the King's study. They were both facing the door but Jimin had a dead serious expression on his face, completely ignoring Jungkook. They could hear how the King's muffled voice travel out of the room. It was going a few octaves higher shouting at Taehyung. He was scolding his son for endangering himself, their family and the kingdom. They could clearly hear his statements and the queen trying to be a referee."What if they raped you?!" "What if Jimin wasn't there?!" "You need to learn to grow up and take responsibility, Taehyung! We won't live forever!" "You know you're an omega, son, so act like it! Be precautious!" And it went on and on.

Jimin didn't speak a word so Jungkook craned his neck to look at him, it was as if he wasn't even there. He was so focused listening to what the king was saying and if Taehyung rebutted at all. Shouldn't Jimin be thankful that he told the king he saw Taehyung run into the forest instead of Jimin alone looking for the prince? He made him look responsible and at the top of his role as his personal guardian at least even though he lost Taehyung for a bit and went running out of the palace looking for him. Jungkook huffed and waddled sideways closer to Jimin.

"A small thank you wouldn't hurt." he whispered. Then he smiled wildly when Jimin turned to look at him.

"I pity the prince to have you as his expected mate. Not only is he in deep trouble right now, but you are all giddy and smiling at me like nothing's wrong. If you knew I was looking for him last night then why didn't you go out and look for him? Weren't you worried about your mate?" Jimin asks, annoyed.

Jungkook straightened up with a hurt and offended look on his face. Why was Jimin like this? But also, he was right. Why didn't he go out and look for Taehyung when he found that he wasn't in his room last night? Why isn't he taking necessary steps to become closer to him?

He sighs, "I guess.. I was just confident that you can take care of him. And I don't know, he hasn't been approaching me since I started staying here.. so, I don't know. But.. you took all those five alphas on your own, see? You can protect him." he says looking at Jimin smiling awkwardly.

That slowly changed as Jimin's face morphed into an expression of disgust. "Tsk.." he says as he muttered something inaudible under his breathe and moved away from Jungkook, his gaze fixed at the door of the King's study.

That made Jungkook's insides cold. Why did he feel ashamed? Jimin made him feel like he was inadequate and wasn't acting like he deserved to be the future mate of the the prince of this kingdom. He doesn't know what what was it about him that Jimin hated so much.


The Next Day..

Seokjin was up early and was already working at the stables. Namjoon peaked inside seeing him rake out some hay from one of the stalls. Deciding he was going to do the same thing, Namjoon thought to take a pitchfork and a wheelbarrow from the shed. He had set the wheelbarrow and was holding onto the pitchfork when he thought of bringing in new hay bales to replace what they were forking out. He carried one hay bale onto the wheelbarrow and walked back into the shed to take another one. As he was about to carry another hay bale something caught his eye buried in the thick littered hay on the floor of the shed.

He bent down and picked up what was a small glass bottle with a clear tinged liquid inside. He took off the crown and recognized the snuffer, it was a perfume bottle. He curiously brought the perfume bottle near his nose and took a sniff. Namjoon's eyes widen in shock and realization. It was beta camomile perfume, V. He took a step back trying to gather his thoughts. What was V? If he was using this perfume to hide his identity then what was he? He was analyzing how Seokjin was acting around him and how he was in general. He couldn't be an alpha because why would he need to hide like this? The stables were mostly alphas so it shouldn't have been a problem to fit in. The only obvious conclusion was that V was indeed an omega and was disguising to be a beta to be closer to Seokjin. Was this his way in order to secure a job? Did he act as if he was a beta to get closer to Seokjin and somehow take over or something? Why did he need to lie? Namjoon scoffs at the thought as he slipped the perfume bottle inside his pocket and carried the second hay bale to his wheelbarrow. He took his pitchfork and made his way back into the stable. Seokjin better be ready for an unpleasant surprise.

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