What Happened With Us?

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Credits to: Fangirl With Way Too Many Fandoms (galaxyrose10.tumblr.com)

Reader's P.O.V

Here I am, sitting against a wall, crying and wondering what the hell happened between Sweet Pea and I. It was like one minute, we were perfectly fine. Then the next, we were done.

~How We Met~

I walked into the White Wyrm and instantly regretted it. I may be a Serpent, but no one likes people who are drunk out of their mind crashing into them at all times. I was about to be taken down by someone until someone pulled me out of the line of fire.

"Whoa." I said as I looked behind me seeing my "savior". "Um... Thanks"

"No problem. Who are you? You look familiar." He said. He was breathtaking. He had one of those stereotypical tough guy looks. Although, he seemed different like he gave off a different kind of vibe.

"Are you okay? You look kinda spaced out." The boy said, shaking me out of my daze.

"Um... Yeah. I'm fine. Thanks for pulling me out of there." I said. Usually, I'm more confident, but I don't know what's going on right now.

"I see you're soft-spoken."

"No! I'm not. I mean I'm usually just more confident. I guess I'm just still shaken up. It's not exactly every day you see a drunk flying at you." I said.

"It's not every day you get to save a pretty girl like you, (Y/N)." Instantly, my face flushed red. Luckily, it was dark in the bar.

"How the hell do you know my name?" I asked, curious.

"First, you have a rep within the Serpents. You're known as the most badass chick who'll most likely kill someone. Second, I see you almost every day in school." He explained.

"Let me guess. In English. With Phillips. You're the guy who ran out in the middle of class, aren't you?"

"Yeah. It was..."

I stopped him mid-sentence, "Don't explain. Anyways, since you know my name, what's yours?"

"Sweet Pea."

~The Fallout-6 Months Later~

First kiss, first boyfriend, first time. Everything was going fine. What happened?

"What were you thinking?!"

"Me? What were you thinking going to that redhead's house starting a fight?" I screamed back.

"I was trying to protect you! That Northsider brought a knife and you could've gotten hurt!"

"So you getting stabbed is so much better? (Y/N) this is why I didn't tell you about this! You go and do fucking stuff like this!" SP yelled.

"So trying to protect you is a problem? Is it so damn horrible for me to care about you? To not see you get hurt?!"

"Not when you get hurt in the process! You realize how fucking dangerous it is with the Black Hood going around killing people?!"

"I don't care about that." I said, my voice breaking.

"Well, I do. Hell, the last thing I want to see is you hurt or dead, God forbid. I'm too dangerous for you." He said softly.

"If you're talking about being a Serpent, I hope you haven't forgotten that I'm one too. A badass one as that too." Sweet Pea just stood there silent. It was a silence so fragile to break it was a crime.

"What are we going to do? Just let this go? Because I'm sure as hell I not." I spoke. Silence once more. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5... seconds. "Do you have nothing to say? If not, then I'm leaving." He tensed up at my statement. Sweet Pea got up and looked at me. We could both see the sadness in each other's eyes. He tried to say something, but no words came out. As tears fell from my eyes, I said, "Fine." I left. It was like he didn't want me anymore.

~Present Time~

I'm sitting on the floor of the Wyrm crying my eyes out. Thinking about it doesn't exactly help. Merging schools and going to Riverdale High hasn't helped or done anything at all. Every guy in there is a misogynistic, sexist pig. I either hear "Serpent Slut." or rumors about every guy getting me in bed. It's something new every day. I'm falling apart. To think it all started about 6 months ago.

"(Y/N)!" I tense up. I know that voice. The same voice that actually gave me hope for once in my life. I stood up as he walked over. He looked angry, but as soon as he saw my emotionless expression, he'd seemed to calm down.

"Are you okay?" Sweet Pea asked in the same soft voice remember. "I'm fine. What do you want?" I snapped back.

"I want to know why you slept with Mantle." he stated.

"You are dumb? No, you're fucking idiotic if you actually believe that I slept with him of all people in the damn world!" I yelled. He tried to say something, but I cut him off. "No. Do you know how hard it is to walk down the hallway when all you hear is that you slept with someone one night and someone else the next?! It's fucking horrible! I'm called a slut and a bitch constantly!" I explained, tears just flowed out of my eyes like a waterfall. "Besides, why do you even want to know? We broke up!" I finished. He stood there at a loss for words. Even in the darkness of the bar, I could see tears forming in his eyes.

"Why didn't you say anything. Not to me, Fangs or even Toni? Why would you deal with this alone?"

"I had no one. Last time we saw each other, you didn't exactly seem to want me in your life anymore." I said coldly.

"No. No. That's not what I wanted at all! I wanted quite the opposite. Babygirl, I need you in my life. I'm a fucking wreck without you." He explained as he engulfed me in a hug. He hugged me so carefully like I was glass or a feather. He tilted my head up and made me look at him. "Listen to me when I say that this is not going to happen anymore. The rumors and names are going to stop. Okay?"

Now it was my turn to stay quiet. I was speechless. It was like everything hit me at once. Well, it kinda did. "Okay, babygirl?" he repeated, giving me a reassuring smile. I nod as he leans down to kiss me. The tears are still falling from my eyes but I don't care. It's a kiss full of passion and forgiveness. We pull away and he pulls me back in for a hug and for once in a long time, I feel at ease.

Credits to: Fangirl With Way Too Many Fandoms (galaxyrose10.tumblr.com)

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