Pleasant Surprise // Hungry Eyes prompt: Part 1 of 2

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Credits to: .Boo. (

Pairing: Sweet Pea X OC!Rosie

I wasn't stupid; I knew when something was up with Rosie.

I was immediately suspicious when I'd find her hunched over the toilet and throwing up everything she'd consumed, always in the early evening.

She also refused to let me anywhere above her waist which was also a massive giveaway, combine those two symptoms with the fact she hadn't sent me out for tampons in over two months then it was a pretty clear indication that something wasn't right.

This had been happening for the last two weeks and tonight was no different; I'd put Freya to bed and found her leaning over the toilet.

I rushed to pull her hair from her face, she spluttered and heaved into the porcelain bowl.

"You good?" I asked her once she'd finished gagging; she made a noise and shut the lid; flushing the toilet and taking a seat on it with her head down and between her legs.

"Stupid food poisoning." She muttered, rubbing her face.

"Funny how this food poisoning has lasted for two weeks and seems to strike at the same time everyday, if I didn't know any better then I'd say you were pregnant again." I accused, she shook her head rapidly and pushed me away so she could stand up.

"No, it's definitely food poisoning." She shot back, rinsing her mouth out with toothpaste and glaring at me through the mirror.

Rosie left the bathroom with me on her heels; she strolled into our kitchen to begin tidying up.

"Hey, fancy a beer? Wine? Rum and coke?" I tested, crossing my arms and facing her from behind the counter.

"No thanks, I'm not thirsty." She replied, shooting me a look and beginning to spray down our counter from where we'd had dinner as a family.

"Right, so it's not because you think you might be pregnant?"


It wasn't hard to decipher that she was lying through her teeth, we'd been together long enough and I'd spent enough time with her to know when she was talking out of her backside.

I decided to try another approach, one she usually couldn't resist.

"You know, I'm so up for some sexy time with you." I told her in the huskiest voice I could muster, stalking around the counter to wrap my arms around her slim waist.

I began pressing kisses along her shoulder and over the curve of her neck, my hands glided under her jumper and up to her boobs, she pulled away before I could touch them and I smiled triumphantly.

"I'm not in the mood." She dismissed, continuing to potter around our kitchen.

"That's how I know you're lying, you're always in the mood. Are your boobs hurting by any chance?" I pressed further, tilting my head and watching her bite her lip anxiously.

"Okay, Sweets! You win!" She quietly yelled at me, throwing the rag she'd been using in my direction. "There's a good chance I'm pregnant again."

"You think so?" I scoffed; she looked at me guiltily as I stalked out of the kitchen to grab from keys from the small table in the hallway.

"Where are you going?" She called after me; her arms limp at her side while I pulled my jacket on.

"To the drugstore!"

I left Rosie at home and drove to our nearest drugstore; I was beyond over faced when I found myself in the aisle that was stacked with a multitude of condoms, lube, ovulation kits and pregnancy tests.

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