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Credits to: Read More Write Hard (


The screams of the two princesses echoed down the hallway. King Owens paced frantically outside the closed door to the special room in the royal infirmary. Sweat beaded on his brow as his stomach turned as he heard his oldest cry out once again.

He was useless. Just as useless as he was on the days they were born. He fainted when his wife was pushing out Shanna and would have passed out for Lily had he not been sitting down already at the doctor's request. He did well under political pressure, but not under personal stress.

Inside the room, divided by a thin curtain, Shanna and Lily were plagued with labor pains. Though their due dates were a few days apart, and still about a week away, both had started contractions heavily that morning.

Shanna blamed her husband. Sweet Pea had seduced her into a round of wake-up sex which triggered her labor. Hearing her sister's cries of pain caused Lily so much stress that she then went into labor. It was quite the royal disaster.

Sweet Pea's fingers were currently being fractured in his wife's tight grip. "I fucking hate you!" She yelled, tears trailing down her face, "you just had to get your dick wet!"

"That's why this is happening?!" Lily yelled from the other side of the curtain, poised on her own bed. "Because he couldn't take care of his morning wood himself?"

Jughead, future king of Riverdale, was doing his best to not laugh at his brother's misfortune of incurring the wrath of both princesses. In fact, he couldn't keep the smile from beaming across his face as today would be the day that he'd finally meet his son.

Sweet Pea would have been overjoyed to see his daughter in person for the first time as well if he weren't currently being screamed at by two women in an insurmountable amount of pain. Their contractions were fairly closed together, although Lily was dilated about two inches more and was finally ready to get an epidural.

Princess Shanna was breathing heavily between muscle contractions as she tried to rest against the bed until her next one hit in approximately two minutes. She overheard the nurse letting Lily know she could get anesthetic now and Shanna groaned with the agony of jealousy.

Her own nurse checked her once more, head bobbing under the sheet that was tented by her knees. "Not quite yet, your highness." She said, much to Shanna's disdain. The nurse stood back up, putting the sheet back down. "But soon. Hopefully a few more minutes."

"She's dragging this out because she's trying to kill me!" Shanna yelled in a fit of dramatics as she noticed Lily's own pained sobs had mostly quieted. The world was cruel and she'd love nothing more than to catapult Sweet Pea into the sun for doing this to her.

Sweet Pea tried to soothe her by smoothing down her mussy hair, "no she's not. She's just not ready to come out yet..."

"And whose fault is that?" Shanna snapped at him angrily, ready to break another one of his phalanges. He blanched, knowing that this day might end in his own death.

Twelve laborious hours after she went into labor, Crowned Princess Lily gave birth to a healthy baby boy and newest heir to the throne. Of course, keeping with traditions, he was named Forsythe Pendleton Jones IV. Although the couple had settled on the nickname "Pax" to symbolize the peace he was to bring to their newly joined kingdoms.

Shanna was not quite as lucky. Her own labor lasted a total of fifteen hours before the new little princess joined the world at last. Princess Dahlia, after a flower that Shanna was quite fond of and in keeping with the floral tradition of her husband's name.

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