Wanted (NSFW)

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Credits to: .Boo. (youcancallmeelle.tumblr.com)

Pairing: Sweet Pea x OC

"This is the last time I let you talk me into doing one of your dumbass ideas, Sweet Pea!" I hissed as we sprinted down a back alley away from the Northside, the combined sound of sirens and an alarm echoing around us.

Sweet Pea had sprung it upon me that he had a fantastic idea which involved breaking into Southside High, it hadn't yet been demolished despite shutting down nearly five years ago when we attended at the age of seventeen before transferring to Riverdale High.

Unfortunately, his plan had backfired the minute he kicked the doors open and immediately triggered the alarms, it was safe to say we'd both left the derelict building in a hurry.

"I didn't realise the place was rigged with alarms still! It shut down years ago!" He retorted and kept his pace up behind me while he headed to the end of the path, I clung to the chain fence and panted heavily. "Calm down, woman."

"We've currently got Sheriff Keller on our backs all because you wanted to take a trip down memory lane!" I yelled angrily, looking upwards and working out the only way out of the alley was to climb the fence. "Give me a boost and don't look up my skirt!"

"I can't promise you that." He denied and crouched down with his palms flattened, I growled at him but used his hands and the added lift to climb over the fence in my tight, leather mini skirt. "Your ass looks phenomenal but who the fuck even wears a skirt when breaking and entering?"

"Me! Because I planned on having a quiet drink in the Wyrm but that went to shit the minute you showed up and dragged me over to Southside High, you criminal!"

Sweet Pea snorted and lifted himself over the fence easily, dropping to his feet on the concrete which caused his combat boots to make a heavy sound.

"You do realise that you're as much as a criminal as I am?" He asked me as we began to walk in the direction of where he'd parked his car, the walk to Southside High had initially been shorter than the escape route back.

"Literally, all I wanted tonight was to relax. But no, I had to say yes and come with you."

"Come with me, huh?" He smirked and I knew what he was referencing, I tensed up but continued walking. "Technically, you've come with me again."

"Shut the fuck up, Sweets."

"Hey, I was good enough for you once." He smirked and looked down at my bare legs, I hit his chest with flushed cheeks.

We'd hooked up once just under a year ago and honestly, he was the best sex I'd ever had but we had a weird relationship and it was either love or hate.

We flirted but we also bickered like no tomorrow, there were some days where we'd be at each other's throats but some when I'd happily play a round of pool with him when Fangs was busy or provocatively dance against him in the bar when I was bored.

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