Being married to Sweet Pea and having kids with him would include...

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Credits to: ☾fandom ghost☾ (

- You and Sweet Pea had known each other since high school, but started dating when you ended up going to the same community college

- You had a lot of the same classes and ended up realizing you had a lot of things in common and really enjoyed each others company

- You had the kind of relationship where you could both be best friends and just do nothing together, and still be very passionate and romantic at the same time

- He proposed the day of your graduation

- Of course you said yes, and you were both so happy and ready to start the rest of your life together

- You live in Riverdale, but you both have new jobs, even tho he's still a part of the Serpents on the side

- Your first apartment together is kinda small, but very cozy and nice for a first apartment and you both love it

- You're engaged for about a year before the wedding, both to earn up some money and to get back into life outside of college and stuff

- The wedding is small with just close friends and family, but still very beautiful, fun and just... perfect

- The honeymoon is to New York, a dream for both of you and it's so much fun

- The first year of married life is honestly just a long honeymoon phase, you're both on cloud nine

- Of course you get on each others nerves at times, but you're pretty good at dealing with that by now

- He needs space and usually goes for a ride on his bike or play some video games for a few hours, while you're more of a silent treatment person

- The fights usually never last long tho

- He's surprisingly good at cooking, so he makes dinner a lot

- He loves doing it, you love his food so it's a win/win

- You love baking tho so you usually bake something every weekend and it's always a mess and always fun

- You also make a point of trying to go out on a date night once a week, nothing big and fancy, but just some special time for just the two of you

- Both Choni and Fangs and Kevin are also living in Riverdale and you often hangs out with them, having movie nights or getting dinner together etc

- After a little more than a year you buy your first house

- It's a little old, but big and pretty and with a bit of work it will be ideal for a family, with a big back yard and everything

- But then you get a tiiiny surprise

- You're pregnant!!!

- You're really scared to tell Sweet Pea as it was not planned, and you feel like the timing is not the best

- But he's beside himself with joy of god he's so happy

- You spend the next nine months working your pregnant butt of to get the house as ready as possible before the kid comes

- It's a lot of work, but mostly fun, really

- Most stuff is with Sweet Pea tbh

- You don't find out the gender until the birth, and it's a girl

- You're just very tired and happy she's healthy, but Sweet Pea is over the moon about it being a girl, very ready to make her into a badass princess

- Both Fangs and Cheryl go all out on gifts and stuff for the baby, while Toni and Kevin are constantly fighting to hold her and talk to her and just look at her

- She's mostly a very easy baby, but she has a period where she just does not sleep

- Ever

- But Sweet Pea is honestly a hero with her, and you're so grateful for him

- He's obsessed with her, and tends to spoil her a little, but you know it comes from a good place so you just let him roll with it

- When your daughter turns two, he brings up really wanting another kid

- The house is basically done now, your jobs are steady, your daughter is getting older, it's a perfect time really

- You know Sweet Pea i lowkey hoping for a boy this time even tho he doesn't say it out loud

- You decide to get to know the gender tis time

- Turns out it's genderS

- Yeah, you're having twins

- One boy and one girl

- You're extremely happy, as you always wanted three kids

- Sweet Pea is very pale and quiet tho...

- That night he confides in you he's scared he won't be able to be enough for three kids and you, and he's worried about money and he's spiraling

- You manage to calm him down tho, reminding him Fangs had five siblings growing up, his mom was alone and all of them turned out fine

- The twins are born a little early and Sweet Pea is so freaking worried

- Luckily everything turns out okay, and soon your daughter is obsessed with her new brother and sister

- Sweet Pea is totally a bit of an overprotective dad, but he still manage to have fun with them

- Fangs and Toni are totally the fun and crazy uncle and aunt, while Cheryl and Kevin are the spoiling ones

- By now Choni have a son the twins age, and Fangs and Kevin adopted a girl about six months later

- So much family gatherings and dinners and fun days ahhh

- Some days are of course super busy and hectic and the kids fight sometimes, but most days go over surprisingly smooth

- God Sweet Pea is a mess when your oldest daughter starts school, but so, so proud

- Same thing with the twins three years later

- The twins are super high energy and both love sports and running and climbing and never sits till

- The oldest daughter is a bit more like Sweet Pea, she has a temper but is also very emotional and kind if given the chance

- Nobody messes with her or her siblings tho

- You're just a happy and busy and loving family all together

Credits to: ☾fandom ghost☾ (

PS: Guys, she's not currently writting for Riverdale.

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