The Best Kind of Stress Relief

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Credits: lost in my mind (

Summary: It's the end of the school year, and you're stressed. Despite your best efforts to study, Sweet Pea knows exactly how to help you relax.

Your head pounded as you stared down at the textbook open on your desk in front of you. You had been going for hours, and the words and pictures were all started to blur into a whirlwind of facts and dates. It felt impossible to remember it all. Resting your head in your hands, you let out a slow breath.

"You can do it," you whispered. "You have to do it."

Next to you, your phone buzzed, and you let out a loud groan. It was your mom, asking you to pick up your little brother from baseball practice. You didn't have time for that—you didn't have time for anything. A few small tears prickled out of your stinging eyes, and you texted her back.

Sure thing. Be right over.

Wiping your eyes, you shoved your books back into your backpack, grabbed your keys, and set off to get your brother.


"No Betty, I can't right now," you said sternly. You had the phone on speaker, and you had returned to your least favorite activity of staring at your history flashcards and trying to learn as much as you possibly could. "I ended up driving my brother all over the fucking town this afternoon, and he really cut into my study time. The AP US History exam is Monday, and I can't afford to go out tonight."

"Not even for an hour, Y/N. It's just Pop's—you'll be home by ten."

"Sorry, but no, Betts. I need to study."

She sighed. "Fine, Y/N. Call me when you inevitably collapse from stress."

"Will do." You tapped the screen to shut the phone off and then put it on "Do Not Disturb." No more distractions. Time to focus. Time to get stuff done.

The hours ticked by, and you got absorbed in the familiar routine of studying. You flipped between flash cards, your notes, the review packet, and your book, and you found yourself really getting the hang of it. Feeling confident, you finally pulled out the practice test that your teacher put together. You whipped through the test, feeling better with every bubble you filled and every document you analyzed.

Then, you checked it against the answer key, and your heart dropped.



One small step above failure.

Your hands shook as you set the paper down and slid off your chair. Tears were flowing freely, and a sob wracked through you. A D+ would bring your already struggling grade down even lower, too low. When they sent your final transcript to your college, they would rescind your acceptance immediately.

Your shoulders shook, and you held your knees to your chest. Tears were soaking through the arms of your sweatshirt, and it was getting hard to breathe. Everything hurt.

Behind you, your door pushed open.

"Y/N, what the hell?" Sweet Pea rushed to your side, dropping to the floor and pulling you into his arms. He still had his coat and boots on, like he had rushed in without even saying his usual hello to your mom. "Babe, talk to me, what's going on?"

You wrapped your arms around his neck, crying into his shoulder. Your breath was starting to slow, but you still couldn't stop crying. "I'm going to fail AP US History," you murmured. "I keep studying, but I'm not getting any better. I did so bad on the practice test. And then Mom made me cart my brother around all day, and I bailed on my friends, and everyone's going to hate me, and—"

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