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Credits to: Read More Write Hard (theangriestpea.tumblr.com)

Summary: Since Josie broke Sweet Pea's heart, he's enlisted the help of a FWB to get over his heartache. What happens when she starts to catch feelings?

The phone on the bedside table began to buzz loudly, vibrating against the dark wood. A hand reached out from under the mound of blankets and grabbed it, receding back under cover before a groggy voice could be heard, "Hello?"

"You should come over. I have something you need to take care of." A familiar, smug voice said back to her.

She looked at the time on the screen before groaning, "You're making a booty call at six thirty in the morning? Are you insane?"

"No, just horny. Come on, door's unlocked. You can go back to sleep after I wear you out." Click.

Y/N groaned again, wondering what she should do. Did she go to him or just go back to sleep? The thought of sleeping in bed next to him sent chills up her spine. Despite their strict label of only friends with benefits, her feelings had been growing more and more each day for the tall Serpent.

He came to her, heartbroken over the rejection of Josie and in need of a distraction. While she had always found Sweet Pea incredibly attractive, she thought his personality was a little...rough around the edges. And even though it started out as a rebound fuck, their casual relationship came as a bit of a comfort to both of them.

Lately Y/N has been wanting more than just late night tosses in beds not big enough for two people. She craved spending actual time with him where they didn't end up naked and moaning. While the sex was great, it was somehow leaving her more and more empty each time they did it.

It had been nearly five months since Josie broke his heart and deep down she knew it hadn't been enough time for him. She was the first girl he had ever opened himself up to and she thoroughly ruined him for it. Y/N was positive that he would never feel safe enough with her to do the same, and that thought left her aching.

Still, the idea of being wrapped up in his arms for the rest of the morning was simply too enticing. She slipped out of bed, not bothering to put anything on besides a pair of sweatpants and a holey oversized t-shirt. The easy access would have him grinning.

She took the short walk to his trailer, living only a few plots down, and walked in through the front door. After closing and locking it, she kicked off her slides and padded to his bedroom where she found him lying naked with one hand on his hard cock.

"What a sight for sore eyes." She said teasingly as she walked over to him. Sweet Pea just smirked at her, proud that she had come to him. Even after Josie shattered his ego, Y/N had quickly begun to build it back up. He was now back to his cocky self.

"You bet your ass, princess. Lose those clothes." He said, not even bothering to beat around the bush. He never did. The pet name nearly made her shiver, however she was able to stop herself. No sense in letting him know he had some kind of hold over her. He'd only use it to his own advantage.

She stripped down to the nude in a matter of seconds. "Do you think I just magically get wet for your or something?" She asked, "Or I'd just hop on your dick dry?"

Sweet Pea sat up, "stop complaining so much and get over here." He said, reaching out to grab her wrist and pull her onto the bed. She fell forward, landing on her stomach so her backside was bare to him. He took the opportunity to slap her on the ass nice and hard.

"Ow, you jerk!" She hissed back at him, quickly rolling over before he could do it again. Of course his lips were still perched in that same stupid smirk he always had when he knew he was about to get laid. Sometimes he could be so predictable.

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