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Credits to: Read More Write Hard (


In the royal flower garden a young princess sat with her battered sketchbook, pencil moving across the page furiously. Her eyes were narrowed in concentration, flicking up to look at the white daisies in front of her before going back down to the page. She quickly realized in frustration that she wasn't outlining flowers but rather a handsome face. After a brief pause, she let out a small sigh and went back to her work. Tracing the lines from the memory of the ball two nights ago.

"Mind if I see?" A voice called out to her from the other side of the flower bed she was sitting in front of. She quickly recognized it as the subject of her drawing. In an instant the book was pressed against her chest to keep him from seeing it.

Jughead gave her a curious look as he moved through the path so he could stand in front of her. "You're in my light." She said passively and he took a step to the side so that he was no longer blocking the sun. Even without the obstruction, she still didn't put her book down in fear that he'd see his own face on the white paper.

"Your sister said I had to make things up to you." The prince said in a faraway voice. Lily's green orbs dared to look at him. There was a dreamy look on his face as if he were imagining something sweet...or maybe not too sweet. Maybe it was sultry. Her pale cheeks flushed pink.

"For what?" Lily asked, playing dumb. She turned so she could continue to sketch away from his prying eyes. It was hard to resist looking up at him for reference. Instead she kept with her visual memory of their dance. Pencil working feverishly to fill in his dark hair.

Jughead watched her. His eyes softened at the sight of her doing something that put her at ease. "Confessing to you, I suppose." He said. When he told Shanna he'd make it up to her, he meant that he'd find a way to apologize for pining after her sister. He wasn't entirely sure what she meant by saying he had to make it up to Lily instead.

"How do you plan on doing that exactly?" Lily asked with an edge of frustration on her voice. Her eyes flicked up to his face for a brief moment before looking back down and adjusting the drawn image.

Jug ran a tongue across his lower lip in thought. He attempted to keep his thoughts pure, but he was a teenage boy after all. It was difficult and she was just too beautiful. "Writing you another poem." He finally replied, pulling the neatly folded piece of paper out of his pocket and handing it to her.

Lily looked at him again, her eyes lingering this time in disbelief. He was seriously giving her another love note? Then again, her sister did tell her she could do what she wished in regards to her fiancé. The whole situation was so messed up.

She closed her sketch book and gingerly grabbed the paper, opening it up to read the neatly written lines inside. It was his usual brand of off-white parchment embossed with intricate swirls. She didn't know it but he had it specially made for letters he only wrote to her. It was unique.

Her fingers swept over the delicate embellishments before beginning to read the first few lines. As always she quickly became engrossed into the fine lettering and detailed wording.

He likened her image to a virgin goddess: young, beautiful, and naïve. Her hair was the sun, her face the moon, and her eyes the stars. The biggest, brightest stars in the galaxy that he had hoped would only twinkle for him.

This poem wasn't like his usual. It wasn't as short and sweet and romantic. It was exhilarating the way he described the curve of her waist, the shape of her breasts, and the length of her legs. Now not only were the brush of her cheeks pink, but her entire face heated as he wrote about her body and soul with a clear and fiery passion.

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