Secret Vows - Part 2/2

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Credits to: jess🥀 (

With my fingers sprawled out in front of me, I smiled at the sentimentality behind the simple gold band that ornaments my ring finger so flawlessly. Taking a step towards the fireplace in our trailer, I trailed my hand across the mantlepiece surface, scanning my eyes over the assortment of cards and flowers that adorned it, all gifted so kindly to us by our nearest and dearest following our lil' vow renewal just last week.

Stopping as I reached the card that read 'wife', I picked it up, being cautious to avoid knocking everything else off. Holding the card in my hands, I opened it and recited the familiar words in my mind, having learnt them off by heart due to the sheer amount of times I had read them, but each time I did it felt like the first time, with my love for the gentleman behind the ink only continuing to grow more.

'My darling Y/N.

Hiding my love for you was the toughest thing I ever had to do, but that part is over, and I just want to shout it from the roof tops.

You're my wife. MY WIFE. And I'm your husband. How crazy is that?!

When you walked into my life, a hole in my heart was filled, one that I didn't even know was there. You bought me a sense of comfort that I hadn't ever felt before. You are my home Y/N, you are my whole heart. I don't know who I'd be without you.

Thank you for everything. I love you more than I did yesterday but a whole lot less than I will tomorrow.

Sweet Pea X'

A tear rolled down my cheek, a grin erupting onto my face as I pictured him sat at my dining room table contemplating what to write, his pen tapping against his cheek as he debated what to write in his head. I was disturbed from my thoughts by the familiar feeling of his arms around my waist and his lips – a sensation that had become so natural in my life, one that I would never become bored of.

"I will mean those words for the rest of my days"

I smiled, another tear trickling down my cheek, taking his left hand in mine, taking a grip onto his wrist as he held his hand out flat in front of me. I looked at his ring before placing my own hand on top of his. He turned his over and grasped onto mine, smoothly twirling me around causing a giggle to leave my body, as he caught me in his chest, my hand coming up to his chest to balance myself out as he maintained a hold of my left hand.

We were lost in each other's eyes for what felt like years, simply admiring being in each other's presence, before he leant down and placed a kiss on my nose, laughing at me as I winced away chuckling.

"I love you" I stood on my tip toes, stretching up as far as I could to place a kiss on his lips, but he still had to bend down in order for me to reach him.

"I love you too". And the smile on his face and the look in his eyes confirmed that, he looked at me as if I was treasure, treated me like it too.

I cherished every moment like this that I shared with my husband. Although this was one of those more private ones, we used to be so private with our relationship, but now we could share these instants with each other in public. The rings that adorned our fingers would forever confirm our eternal commitment to one another. A true showcase of our love and happiness to those around us.

I didn't realise that I had been staring into his eyes whilst lost in my own thoughts until he words bought me back to reality, a concerned look on his face as I shook my head back into the real word.

"What are you thinking about babe?"

I continued to stare into the deep pools of his heavenly eyes, breathing in slightly before I answered his question so meaningfully but so simply at the same time, "you". He let out a deep sigh before smirking, shaking his head at me before closing the gap between us once more, but this time we didn't hold back, he removed his hand from mine, snaking his arms around my waist as he pulled me towards him, causing us both to fall back onto the couch behind us, our kiss breaking as we both let out a laugh as I found myself on top of him, my leg hanging from the side of the couch, my foot pressed to the floor, as I held myself up to evade dropping onto the floor.

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