Couple's costume

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Credits to: lost in my mind (

Summary: You love Halloween. Unfortunately, Sweet Pea's not on the same page, and he wants nothing to do with any group costumes

Of all holidays, Halloween was your favorite. You loved coming up with the perfect costume and putting it together yourself. Every year you came up with something new, and you always killed it at Reggie Mantle's annual Halloween party. This year was going to be no exception. If anything, it would be better than ever since you had finally found a solid group of friends who were willing to humor your passion and participate in an awesome group costume. The only holdout was the person you had been counting on more than anyone—your boyfriend, Sweet Pea.

"Please, please, please, babe, just do it for me," you begged, clutching Sweet Pea's hand and giving him your sweetest puppy-dog face. "Even Jughead said yes."

"Dear Lord, man, where's your spine?" Sweet Pea demanded, shaking you off his arm and giving his friend a pointed look. "What'd they do? Hold Betty hostage? Threaten your dog? Steal your typewriter?"

Jughead rolled his eyes, barely looking up from his computer screen where he was working on a new article for the Blue and Gold. "No, Sweet Pea, they did not. Betty's being the Powderpuff Girls with Veronica and Cheryl, so she didn't want to do a couple costume this year."

Sweet Pea was incredulous. "You say that like you did."

Jughead just shrugged. "I mean, I wouldn't mind. It's Halloween, Sweet Pea, it's supposed to be fun, and Y/N's idea is actually really good."

You smiled softly, glad that at least Jughead had your back.

Instead of replying, Sweet Pea just groaned loudly, crashing into the couch next to you with a dramatic sigh. Instinctively, he wrapped his arm around your shoulders, holding you close to him. "And Fangs? Et tu, Fangs, et tu? I thought you were better than this."

"Wow, look who paid attention in English," Toni said with a smirk. "That literary reference was spot-on."

"Stop derailing, Topaz," Sweet Pea snapped. "I'm talking to Fangs, my boy, my man, my bro. Why on earth would you go along with this nonsense? I mean, Y/N's gorgeous as hell, yeah, but she's taken, so a costume isn't going to earn you any points."

Fangs just shook his head, not bothering to justify most of Sweet Pea's nonsense. "You do remember I'm in drama club, right? I happen to like dressing up for Halloween, and I would have whether or not Y/N came up with an idea."

"Even in dumb group costumes?"

"Dumb?" You asked, not even having to fake an offended tone as you scooted a few inches away from him. "I know you don't want to participate, but I still thought it was pretty clever."

"Yes, of course, babe. It is clever," he assured half-heartedly, pulling you back to him to kiss you on the temple. "Making me dress up is still not going to happen, though."

"Sweet Pea, it's barely even a costume for you," Toni argued, growing sicker of the conversation by the minute. "You literally are a criminal."

"I resent that," he snapped. "I haven't done anything illegal in weeks."

You gave him a confused look, tipping your head to the side and furrowing your eyebrows. "What about all that pot you smoked at the football game last week? I could smell it from the field during halftime."

"New York's going to legalize any day now," he scoffed, brushing off the comment with a shake of his head. "Anyways, that doesn't really count."

Shaking your head, you took and deep breath and returned to begging. You cuddled in even closer to him, putting your hand on the back of his neck and playing with his hair in a way you knew drove him mad. "C'mon, babe. It's a five-person costume, and we need a fifth person. Do it for me."

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