Hungry Eyes // Father's Day Prompt

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Credits to: .Boo. (

Pairing: Sweet Pea x OC!Rosie

Father's Day.

A day that I was usually bitter towards, the thoughts of my Dad leaving was all that clouded my mind but I always managed to push the hatred towards the back of my mind and find myself appreciating all the hard work my Mom had put in; she played the roles of two parents and done a boss job at it.

But this year was different, it was Sweet Pea's first Father's Day. It was the first time we'd be officially celebrating his big role as Daddy to Freya.

I stirred in bed, the sounds of birds chirping and the gentle sounds of a mixture of breathing patterns eased me to open my eyes where I was met with the most adorable sight.

Freya was lay between us both, cuddled close to her Dad and basically smothering him with one of her tiny hands fisted in his hair; no doubt where she'd been playing with it to soothe herself to sleep.

She'd woken up in the night with teething pain and refused to settle back in her cot, so I'd given into her cries and put her in our bed where she'd fell asleep almost immediately when placed next to her Daddy.

Sweet Pea was lay on his side with his arm tightly around her, his face pressed into her side while he continued to snore quietly. They looked identical when they slept, it wasn't hard to distinguish that she was his baby even at ten months old she looked so much like him, more than when she was born and I loved to see him mimicked in every way by her.

I yawned silently, sitting up and deciding to leave them to sleep for a little while longer since it was only around 8am. I got out of bed cautiously and tucked Freya back under the covers, I stretched out my back and made my way to the bathroom to brush my teeth before I began to prepare some stuff for Sweets.

I brushed my teeth and shoved my hair into a messy bun, padding out into our kitchen to make Sweet Pea a cup of coffee and a bottle for the baby who liked to still have milk in the morning before any solid food.

I'd stashed Sweets gift and card on top of the kitchen cupboard, knowing he'd never go up there. I proceeded to make his coffee and the bottle, grabbing them both and his gifts; taking them into the bedroom where both of them were still sleeping.

I placed the hot mug of coffee on Sweets bedside table with the card and gift, walking round to my side of the bed to slowly open the blinds and let the sun into the room.

Sweet Pea and Freya both stirred at the sudden intrusion of light, his eyes were the first to open and watch me climb back into bed. He yawned and tried to unravel himself from our daughter but she clung onto him for dear life as she began to wake up, stretching her little body out and opening her doe eyes.

"Happy Father's Day." I whispered, leaning over the baby to peck his lips.

"I don't think I'll ever get used to knowing I actually have a child, even after watching you push her out." He chuckled, brushing Freya's dark hair off her forehead as she woke herself up.

"I'll never forget, there's something about childbirth that haunts you forever." I shuddered, but shot him a playful smile while stroking Freya's hands and watched as her eyes zoned in on the bottle in my hand, she promptly spat her pacifier out and reached out.

I laughed but handed it to Sweet Pea who sat up and pulled her into his arms, he checked the temperature of the milk before he gave her the bottle. She still liked to be held when she had her milk, but she could now easily grasp the bottle in her own hands while drinking it.

She sat and had her feed for a few minutes before I realised that Sweets coffee was probably going cold, so I took Freya from him and fed her myself so he could drink it and open his gift.

"I love you so much, baby girl." I whispered to Freya as she peered up at me with her big, brown eyes while suckling from her bottle. "You're so beautiful." I told her, she gripped my fingers with her own as she finished her milk.

"Like her Mummy then." Sweet Pea piped up, a mug of coffee in his hands.

"Open your stuff." I encouraged with an eye roll, placing the empty baby bottle on my nightstand but keeping Freya in my arms and giving her the small, soft bunny that she liked to sleep with to hold.

Sweet Pea finished his mug of coffee and set it down, picking up the wrapped gift and his card that I'd messily written 'To Daddy' on, with an aim to make it as childlike as possible.

He chuckled to himself as he ripped the envelope, pulling out a card that I'd spent ages picking out and opening it to read what I'd written on behalf of our little one.

To Daddy

I love you lots and lots, thank you for being the bestest Daddy ever and cuddling me all the time.

Love from,

Your little Princess, Freya x x x

"Oh my god, this is honestly the cutest thing ever." He commented, looking at the little pink handprint that was stamped next to the message I'd written in the same messy scrawl.

"You have no idea how hard it was to get her to put her hand flat on the paper, the paint got everywhere and it even went in Jodie's hair." I giggled, kissing our daughters tiny hands that were clasped around her bunny. "Now, open the present!"

"Okay, okay." He replied, tearing open the blue tissue paper to reveal a copper coloured photo frame with a black and white picture of him with Freya on his chest, cuddled together when she was only a few days old.

I smiled as I watched him run his fingers over the image and he could obviously remember that specific moment, he wouldn't put her down when she was first born; he loved just having her in his arms or asleep on his chest.

"Like it?" I wondered, he nodded happily and displayed the frame next to his mug on his nightstand.

"Come to Daddy." He encouraged Freya, I lifted her up and sat her on the bed between us again, she wasted no time in crawling onto his chest.

She'd started to crawl a few weeks ago and it wouldn't be that long until she was taking her first steps or saying her first words, she was growing up so fast and soon she'd be turning one.

He balanced her on his bare chest by holding her hands, she was smiling a gummy smile at him like she always did when he was around and she pulled at his dog tags.

"Can Daddy have kisses?" He asked her, pouting his lips.

She understood and leaned forward to peck his lips multiple times, giggling when his fingers gently dug into her sides.

I watched them interact with a gentle smile, unable to believe how lucky I was to have such a perfect family and to be with someone who loved our baby so much.

And honestly, with Sweet Pea as her Dad... I feared for any boy she'd bring home in the future.

Credits to: .Boo. (

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