You Hurt Me

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Credits to: Serpentssss🐍(

Summary: Y/N feels like the connection she and her boyfriend had has somehow disappeared just like he is from her life. She has to decide if she's better off invisible or finally disappear.

You were mad. Confused. Frustrated. This was the 2nd time pea had canceled on your plans. The first time was a decent excuse.

You waited patiently at pops in your usual booth. Pea had told you to meet up at 6 pm their so you guys could eat before he went back to work the serpents. He did seem pretty busy with them recently.You had planned a little something special for him, you had bought that cute lingerie set from VS and well you had realized how long it was since Pea and you were intimate. So you decided it was a great idea to wear it under your short tan skirt and white blouse.

So you sat there, at 6 pm, and waited 20 minutes then 30 minutes. You texted him furiously.

Y/N: Where r u???

Pea: Babe I'm sorry! Reschedule, got caught up longer than we anticipated

You left him on reading, tears ready to run down your flustered cheeks. You got up and walked out into the chilly night and drove home.

The second time he tried to reschedule was meant to be at his trailer. You were jumping up in joy when he told you it would be at his home. You had dressed in a maroon lace and pulled on a casual black wrap-around dress. You look yourself in the mirror, "I look hot as fuck!" I laughed to myself as I grabbed my keys and made my way to pea's trailer. On the way there you felt distracted the heat between your legs growing as the thoughts of Pea's hands on your body, his lips that you craved. Thank god you were 2 minutes away. As you make your way up the stairs you knocked twice with no answer. You huffed agitated and called Pea.

He's probably asleep

Ring ring ring


" babe! Hey, what's up?" You could hear his questioning voice. It made your blood boil.

" What's up? I'm outside your door? Where are you!" I yelled furious that he forgot.

" holy- it was today? Oh, shit baby, I'm so sorry the boys invited me along to some drinks since we had a rough couple of -" you were extremely angry, stomping your way to your car as you acted as you listened to his nervous ramble.

" Sweet Pea GO FUCK YOURSELF?!" You screamed into the phone and hung up. You threw your phone at the passenger seat, sobs choking you up. You had been craving sweet pea's affection and just support. You wanted your boyfriend back. Your phone was blowing up as you drove back home, of course of Pea. You decided to turn your phone off, you need to be alone for a bit and process everything, to make clear decisions.

You tried remembering the last time you kissed him. The thought of his lips on yours almost felt faint and like a ghost. The last time he hugged you close and you nuzzled into his chest. Your heart ached as you realized, " how did it get this bad?"

the slight touch of his hands on your arm as he passed by you in the hallways at school

The soothing sound of his voice as he told you he would " see you later"

The forehead kisses as he left you.


That night Y/N cried herself to sleep as she realized that maybe her happy ever after with Sweet Pea would end. His lifestyle has changed to the point it has affected their relationship and Pea didn't even realize it. He was so preoccupied with serpent business that he put his only support system aside. As the sun rises Y/N woke up to the miserable feeling of having to see Sweet Pea at school. Her eyes red, swollen, and tired. No matter how much concealer she layered you could see the sadness wearing her out. You walked into school hoodie up, headphones in, you just wanted to get to 1st period without having question being thrown at me. You didn't want to speak to Pea or even look at him. You had made your decision. If he wasn't going to be there for you anymore, what was the point then? You were preparing yourself to end it. Suddenly you were yanked to the side, knocking your headphones out.

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