Not a Rule Breaker

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Credits to: On My Block Fangirl (

Summary: Sweet Pea is curious about good girl y/n, who never breaks the rules.

Sweet Pea hated history the most. Not because of what they were learning, or the tests, or the reading, but the constant projects. They were usually small, but there were tons of them. Sweet Pea wasn't that creative of a person, and he hated conversing with Northsiders. So when his history teacher was assigning pairs for a week long project, he groaned internally.

"Sweet Pea, and..." Mr. Daniels scanned his list for his pair. "Y/n y/l/n."

Sweet Pea watched as a small awkward looking girl went to sit next to him. She looked at him and offered a smile, and Sweet Pea responded by just staring at her. Her smile faded as she looked down at her lap, embarrassed.

Mr. Daniels then explained that we had to relate the yin-yang symbol to modern day, and that he chose the partners that represented opposites. There was an oral presentation.

"Oh, and show something that represents what your saying." He said. "Nothing big, just something that'll make what you're saying clearer." There was ten minutes left of class to conversate with your partner to see how they would work together.

"Hey." You said. "So, um, I was wondering if you were free after school. Y'know, for the project. I figured that we could go somewhere after school to work on it, but only if that's okay with you! I don't want to overstep or anything, and I don't even mind doing all of it on my own. That's how it usually goes in my group projects anyways. But it would be nice to have some help-"

"After school all this week is good for me." He took your babbling as a sign that you were afraid of him. Just another Northside princess who didn't want to be anywhere near the big bad Serpent.

"Okay, perfect!" You happily smiled. "I was thinking we could do it at your place." Or maybe he was wrong?

"My place?" He stared at your innocent eyes.

"Yeah, if that's okay with you."

"You know I live on the Southside right?"

You tilted your head, eyes full of confusion. "Yeah. So?"

He looked at you as if you were crazy. "You sure your parents won't mind you going to the Southside?"

"Um, they should be okay with it as long as it's school work." You excitedly nodded. "I'll text them later though. Don't want to upset them."

Before he could make a comment on that, the bell rang. School was over. Sweet Pea stood. "Let's go." Was all he said. You followed him out to the parking lot, where he went up to his bike. "Hop on."

"Um, I don't think my parents would want me to go on a motorcycle." You laughed nervously.

He let out an amused breath. "Come on, it's not like you listen to every single thing your parents say?" You stared at him, shifting in your place. "Wow, you really are a Northsider."

You pouted. "That's a bit rude." He still looked amused, and you let out a sad sigh. "We have to work on this project together, Sweet Pea. I get it if you don't like me, most people don't anyway. But if we're going to get a good grade on this project, we should understand each other."

He thought about your words. You said that most people didn't like you. Why was that? "I never said I didn't like you." You looked up at him. "Hop on. Please. You need to understand why it's okay to break some rules."

You hesitantly walked up to Sweet Pea on his bike, and slowly mounted on it. Sweet Pea revved it, causing you to quickly wrap your arms around his torso, pressing your cheek to his back. The boy you were clinging to unconsciously smiled at the jump, and took off.

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