Going to the Senior Prom with Sweet Pea would include...

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Credits to: ☾fandom ghost☾ (sparkles-and-trash.tumblr.com)

- Going to the prom wasn't something you had really spent much time thinking about

- You had been dating Sweet Pea since the summer before Senior Year, and you had been friends before that, so you knew him pretty well

- He had never mentioned ever wanting going to prom, so you didn't think it was gonna be a thing at all

- But one night when you were having a date-night at Pop's Sweet Pea suddeny mentioned something about it, something about him going with Kevin and Fangs to look for a tux to rent

- And you were like ??

- "We're going to prom...?"

- And Sweet Pea is just like, yeah of course !!

- You tell him that, yeah of course it would be nice, but that he doesn't have to do it for you if he doesn't want to

- He tells you he really thought you wanted to, and that he was honestly looking forward to it now

- You suddenly feel a bit exited yourself, especially when you see how genuine Sweet Pea was being

- He really wants to go dress shopping with you, but you kinda want to surprise him

- It takes some convincing, but he finally goes along with it

- When the day comes closer, you can tell Sweet Pea is acting kind of strange

- For a while he denies it, but you wear him down after a while, and he tells you what's been bugging him

- He's pretty nervous about not having the money to take you out to a nice dinner first, or buy you a nice corsage, and about not having a nice enough tux

- You feel your heart breaking a bit, but you're quick to remind him that you're not exactly rich, either, and that you're dress is from a thrift store, and that just being able to go to prom with him is all you ever wanted

- He relaxes a bit after that, because deep down he knows that it's true

- When the night finally arrives, you catch yourself caring way more about your dress, hair and make-up than you thought you would

- Sweet Pea is so blown away when he sees you in your dress, he's almost as clumsy and nervous as he was at your first date

- You go out with Cheryl and Toni, and Kevin and Fangs to Pop's to eat before the dance, and it's so much fun

- When you get to the dance you're suddenly a bit nervous yourself, scared you won't feel as pretty as the other girls

- But Sweet Pea never once let's you forget how beautiful you are

- Neither of you are big dancers, so for the most part you just hang out with your friends and have a fun time

- But of course you end up slow-dancing by the end of the night

- Even though you're in a room with all of your classmates and teachers, when you're dancing with him and he kisses yo, you feel like you're the only two people there

- It's honestly a perfect and wonderful night

- And after the dance you go back to his trailer to actually be alone and do as the tradition suggests ;))

Credits to: ☾fandom ghost☾ (sparkles-and-trash.tumblr.com)

PS: Guys, she's not currently writting for Riverdale

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