Cheater, Cheater: Part 2

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"Why am I here?" You grumble.

"Oh shush you look stunning and we're going to have some fun." You felt uncomfortable in the clothes that Josie had put you in, they were gorgeous like her own style but you didn't want everyone's eyes on you. You move to tug at the clothes, receiving a slap on your hand from Josie.

"Would you stop it you look hot." She declares.

"You sure Veronica's not going to be there?" You hesitantly ask not wanting to bring your friends good mood down.

"Y/N I promise," Betty comfortingly puts a hand on your shoulder, she knew how tough the breakup was for you. She and Archie had been the ones to pick you up and dust you off after your post breakup breakdown.

Big parties weren't usually yours or Betty's thing, they tended to get out of control quick especially if the rowdy Bulldogs were involved. You didn't want to be one of the people getting dragged out by Sheriff Keller with vomit down your front, not something you wanted to explain to your parents. Though today Archie had sidled up to your locker, suggesting it would be a good idea for the both of you and you couldn't say no to his eager smile. Archie was searching for anything to push away what had happened, to erase the pain he was feeling. He thought having fun and ignoring it would make it disappear and you couldn't help by indulge him rather than face the truth.

All the alcohol you knocked back had gone straight to your head. You had made a beeline for the strongest stuff your aim of the night to forget the boy who probably hadn't spared you a thought since the breakup. You wondered if he ever loved you, surely you don't cheat on someone if you love them.

Somehow through the parties commotion you managed to find a couch in a secluded corner away from the dancing and mostly drunk party goers. You had dragged Archie with you, who was supposed to be looking after you tonight but had ended up as drunk as you. You don't know if it was the alcohol or Archie's comforting presence, but you ended up lazing on the couch close together. Your legs laying over his causing his hand to naturally rest upon your knee keeping you steady, the noise of the party forcing you to whisper comments into Archie's ear leaning up close to him. It was nice to have Archie, someone who wordlessly understood what you are going through. You were so absorbed in Archie and the feeling of his breath fanning your face reminding you of how close his lips were to your own you didn't notice the group of Serpents entering the party their intimidating presence demanding everyone's attention. Sweet Pea noticed you however his eyes were immediately drawn to the dark corner you were hanging out in looking gorgeous as always and wrapped around a certain red headed boy. He clenches his fists and takes one step towards you before an arm rests on his shoulder keeping him in place.

"Don't you dare Sweet Pea." Toni growls the first words she had spoken to him since Jughead had told her what happened. She had decided rather to give him the cold shoulder, just so he absolutely knew that she was mad at him.

"I need to talk to her." He hoped pleading would get through with Toni.

"She doesn't want to talk to you. Let her have fun. Let her forget you and what you've done at least for the night." She roughly says, causing his anger to spike.

"Piss off Topaz." He roughly shrugs his shoulder away from her. Though he listened to her words, at least for the moment choosing to walk to the drinks keeping an eye on the pair in the corner.

You had never realised how much better you felt around Archie. All your friends had given you sympathetic words and a shoulder to cry on but none of that did anything for your broken heart. It wasn't like that with Archie, with every reassuring smile and consoling word it felt like a little piece of your heart put itself back into place. You wondered if this meant something deeper or if this reaction was more typical of a rebound. Archie wasn't a rebound, you weren't even together, he was a friend helping you move on, right?. You suddenly wondered what every touch meant to Archie were you rebuilding his heart as well, where you two helping each other or falling for each other?

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