The One with the Videotape

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Credits: lost in my mind (

Summary: Yours and Sweet Pea's relationship has never been conventional. So, when you get into a silly fight over who hit on who first, things get competitive. Of course, the only evidence is buried in a video that also contains your first time having sex, a tape that you never knew existed.

Based on episode 8x04 of Friends: The One with the Videotape.

"No, I love you more," you murmured, brushing the hair away from Sweet Pea's face and pressing a kiss into his lips. Pressed up against him, you could feel his heart beating in his chest. As you planted soft kissed around his lips, all you could think about was how lucky you were to have him.

"Are you sure, princess? Because I think I love you more," he replied, grinning widely and pulling you even closer to him on the couch. You had been sitting at the Wyrm with your friends for hours, taking advantage of free drinks whole Toni bartended and getting more and more affectionate as the night went on.

"And I love you both the mostest of all," Jughead said with a disgusted look as he plopped onto the couch next to you. "Disgusting."

"I almost liked it better when they hated each other," Betty added, hopping onto the wobbly, old pool table and tucking her legs underneath her.

"What, don't want to sit with us, Cooper?" Sweet Pea asked, his fingertips still digging into your hips.

She made a face and shook her head. "I'm good over here."

Fangs laughed, kicking his feet up on an extra barstool as Toni brought over another round of drinks. "I still don't get how this even happened. I mean, you guys went from not liking each other, to sort of being friends, and now you're basically fucking on the couch in the Wyrm. I just don't see how that works."

"None of us do," Toni sighed, pulling up and empty seat and twisting the cap off her beer. "I'm betting their hormones just got the best of them one day."

"Ha, ha," you intoned. "Funny, guys." You slid off Sweet Pea's lap and onto the open spot between him and Jughead.

"But really?" Betty asked. "How did it happen?"

"And how many times did it happen?" Fangs asked with a sly grin.

"Dear Lord," you sighed. Trying not to smile, you took Sweet Pea's hand in yours. "I suppose if you really want to know, though, it's not that interesting of a story."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, I don't want your commentary, Y/N," Fangs said. "I just want the details. How'd it go down?"

"Well, it was about three months before Betty and Jughead's wedding," you started. "So, like, six months ago, and I had just gotten off work. When I got back to the apartment, Pea was there because he had been hanging out with Fangs or something."

Fangs grinned at Sweet Pea. "You're welcome, man."

Sweet Pea rolled his eyes, but he couldn't help but smile. "Yeah, thanks."

"Anyways," you resumed. "I had a ton of stuff to get done, and Sweet Pea offered to help me out. We had a little wine, started talking, and out of nowhere, he started hitting on me."

Sweet Pea laughed. "Oh come on, that's a little misleading, babe."

"What do you mean?"

"That I came on to you," he replied, looking confused. "That's a little misleading."

"No, it's not," you argued, giving him a pointed look. "You totally instigated."

"Now, that's just false, babe," he replied, his lips pressing into a tight line. "It was absolutely you. Whatever, though. We're together, we're happy, and it doesn't matter who came on to who."

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