look at the stars (look how they shine for you) (swosie)

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Credits: ambrosespellmanz (archiveofourown.org/works/17787713)

Pairing: Sweet Pea/Josie

"Uh, Halloween is still a few months away, Josie."

Kevin comments upon seeing his step sister dressed up in a cupid costume.

Josie rolls her eyes then explains, "I told Ginger I'd help her with her gift for Melody if she did my homework for a month. Hence, the outfit. So, what do you and Moose have planned?"

Kevin shrugs, "He said it's a surprise."

Josie nods, opening her locker to place the bow and arrow inside then jumping back when something falls out.

Kevin bends down and picks the heart shaped note off the floor, reading the words out loud, "The wedding stone can be found in the place that feels like home. XO, Alan. Who's Alan?"

Josie shakes her head, biting back a smile, "He's an fool, that's who." She takes the card and reads it for herself.

They haven't really made anything official since they started hanging out together again so she wasn't sure whether to expect a gift or not.

An actual scavenger hunt.

Sure, they watched The Goonies last week when nothing else was on but she didn't think he'd take it seriously.

"I don't get what place in the school feels like home."

"Maybe the music room," Kevin guesses.

"No, that'd be too easy."

The bell rings, cutting through the conversation.

"See you next hour?"

"....Maybe." She replies, patting his arm before walking away.

Josie barely pays attention to the lesson, Haggly going on and on about the origins of Valentine's Day. It seemed not much of anyone was paying attention anyway.

She stares at the paper, trying to think of the places it could be.

Maybe she could check the music room, just in case.

"Still haven't figured it out yet?" Kevin asked as he fell into step with her.

Josie sighs, sliding the paper into her pocket as she turned her head in Kevin's direction, "It just doesn't make sense. There's no place in this school that feels like home..." she trails off as they pass the student lounge on their way to lunch...the place where kids went to relax and hang out with their friends.

"That's it!"

"Okay! What is it exactly?"

She doesn't respond, grabbing onto the sleeve of his sweater and pulling him inside the lounge.

"Okay, so now we have to find the stone?"


"Yes! You're a part of this now."

So she starts searching. Flipping over cushions, peeking under the coffee table, searching through the bookshelf.

"Uh, Josie?"

"Yeah," she responds absentmindedly as she checks space around the lamp.

"I think I found it."

Josie walks over to Kevin and follows his gaze to the vending machine. Sitting between the row of Cheez-Its and Famous Amos cookies was a fake diamond with a note attached.

"How did he even get that in there?"

Josie shrugs. She'll ask later when she finds him.

"Come on."

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