Sweet Pea X Reader "NFWMB🐍"

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Credits to: I Have Come to Say Goodbye (thefiresfromheaven.tumblr.com)

When I first saw you/The end was soon./To Bethlehem it slouched/And then, it must've caught a good look at you./Give your heart and soul to charity/'Cus the rest of you,/The best of you/Honey, belongs to me.

It was hard for Sweet Pea to get close to (Y/N) considering she was a Northsider princess, wrapped up in her own little world where nothing could hurt her or shatter the hopes for the future she prayed for. That was until life gave you a punch in the face, knocking you to your ass quicker than anyone could catch you.

But Sweet Pea did.

Sweet Pea had watched you start to pull away from anyone and anything you loved, closing into yourself as stress from your home life and doubt filled your mind with nothing but darkness. But in the end, he had, in fact, caught you.

In Sweet Pea's eyes you were nothing short of magnificent. Yeah, you were pretty, but you held so much more to you than mere external looks. You were the top of your class, rivaling even Betty and Jughead in your academics. You were captain for the girls volleyball team, sure to obtain either a academic or athletic scholarship to any school of your choosing before the end of your senior year. You were one of those girls that everyone knew but unlike most of those girls you didn't care; you knew everyone by name and considered anyone a friend if they wanted to accept it. You didn't let the popularity turn you into a stuck-up bitch. Sweet Pea knew you were kind by the small interaction he had with you in passing and the ones he observed you share with others. You had a voice that carried weight in Riverdale amongst the young people but you never wielded it as a weapon even though you certainly could.

Sweet Pea knew you were beautiful, intelligent, hardworking, open, kind, and influential to name a few. He knew you were all of those things and he wanted you. But he never knew about the demons you carried around everyday. He didn't know that a person as bubbly and bright, a person of pure sunshine and radiant warmth, could be filled with so much darkness.

It wasn't like a sign had suddenly switch on in your mind. There were no neon lights that pointed to the tall, mysterious Serpent that had offered you friendship that said 'This is the one! Hurry up and grab him!'. In fact, you had refused and turned down the countless invites to go out for lunch or to catch a movie. You moved away from any form of contact that anyone made as the fights from home followed you to the one place you thought was safe. You knew that Sweet Pea didn't mean any harm by it, you knew he only wanted to get to know you; but if you couldn't even trust those at home that you had known your whole life, then how could you trust a perfect stranger?

It all fell into place after two months of shared school lunches away from everyone else. Sweet Pea had happily sat down next to you one day when the weather was nice and started ranting about your shared Chemistry class. Two months of reluctant words shared, on your part, of what you liked and how you thought. Sweet Pea was surprisingly open about anything you asked; he told you stories of his childhood, of his father and mother. He told you tales of the things he had done as a Serpent and why he had done them. All of those secrets had gone without judgment from you, just a nod in understanding and acceptance as you laughed and jokes and opened up to each other despite the stares from others.

Your old friends couldn't understand why you would refuse to spend time with them outside of practice and class, but were more than willing to jump on the back of Sweet Pea's bike and go off to God-knows-where to do God-knows-what. However, like everything else, you let it roll off your shoulders as you grew closer to Sweet Pea... as you grew to love him, despite the warnings that shouted in your mind.

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