Chapter 69

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*Y/N P.O.V.*

You could barely manage to stand even with the help of this person's arms around yours. Your heart was still pounding, and your legs still weak. You still didn't manage to wrap your head over what just happened.

You lifted your head, only to be met with the last person you wanted to see: Jungkook's mother. She didn't ask any questions as to why you were covered in blood, why you couldn't manage to stand or anything. She simple greeted you with a warm smile.

"I-" You tried to say, but she cut you off.
"Shh, no need to speak darling. Let's get you back to my place, and clean you up a bit."

Her kind words only made you want to cry even more, but then again, it was as if your brain started growing numb to pain. It made no effort to process tears.

She put her jacket over you to cover the blood, and the two of you went on the car that was already waiting outside. On the road, she didn't ask anything, only looking outside the car window. So many times you wanted to say something, even just a thanks, but given the context that you knew, nothing would make the situation better.

The car quickly arrived at its destination. You were helped off, and when you lifted your eyes, you were greeted with that familiar mansion again. You didn't have the guts to go in, after what you did. You stood in front of the house, staring blankly at it.

"C'mon darling, we need to get you a new set of clothes first." Jungkook's mom urged, as she pushed you into the house.

You felt shame walking into that house again. This was supposed to be the place where everything should have ended. Yet here you were. Not only was the story still continuing, rather than being just an extra character, you were now the main character. The decision was in your hands, you had the power to determine what would happen.

Jungkook's mom helped you sit on the couch, and went upstairs to grab you a fresh set of clothes. She handed you clothes, but you only stared at it. All she did to you, was be the kindest, most understanding figure you could have ever imagined. And you were repaying her with what? The death of one of her loved ones. All you felt was shame.

"Y/N," She said, as softly as ever. "put these on."

You couldn't say no to that voice, nor did you have the strength to disobey. You took the clothes, and as you were changing she walked back with a bucket of water, helping you scrub off the dried blood.

During all of this, none of you exchanged a single word. What accompanied you was the sound of water, and the fresh scent of new clothes.

Once you were all dried and cleaned, Jungkook's mom went and came back with a mirror and a comb.

"Hold this." She said, handing you the mirror.

You looked up at her, confused as to what she was doing. She didn't even ask about the blood, she didn't ask about why you were so weak then. She was handling everything so calmly.

"Miss, I-" You tried to say, but she cut you off as well.
"I always wanted to brush and tie the hair of my daughter," She started, pulling up a chair behind you, and started to comb your hair.

"I was blessed to give birth to both Jungkook and Lisa. Lisa never really liked wearing dresses, and kept on insisting on keeping her hair short. It was only when she started to train to become and idol, under the regulations of the company did she started to leave her hair long. But by then, I could have no say on her hairstyles, everything was calculated, and she had to be managed by the company." She laughed weakly, "Then came Jungkook. I knew very well that he was a boy, but it didn't keep me from trying to dress him up as a little girl when he was younger."

She laughed. Her touch was so gentle. She didn't pull your hair at all, everything, the gun, the kidnapping, the car accident, everything didn't seem to matter. It was as if she stopped time.

"But him, being the boy that he is, refused to wear anything near the shape of a dress. His hair, well he never really left it long, and soon enough, he was left for the company to take of. I love both of my children dearly, and I understand the suffering they had to go through to become the successful idols they are today," She sighed, "but I just can't help and feel regret to the fact that I never got the chance to do what I see other mothers doing to their children."

"I never got to lecture Jungkook for breaking a bone, or causing a mess in the house. I never got to go and lecture Lisa about her boyfriends, or have that awkward sex talk before they were of age," she started smiling, "But now I'm finally getting the chance to fulfill at least on of my wishes."

Before you knew what she was saying, she turned the mirror in your hand, and you saw that your hair was neatly tied into a bun. Instead of a hair tie holding your hair, it was a traditional Korean hairpin. The ones that were in the shape of a long stick. This hairpin had a green flower at its end.

"It suits you." She said, admiring her work.
"Miss..." You started, but again, she cut you off.
"Would you do me the favor, and grabbing that pill from the table, and a cup of water please? It's time for my medications." She said.

You stood up slowly, putting the mirror on the couch, and went to do as she said. When you handed her the water, she looked up at you.

"Don't worry Y/N, I believe in you." She said.

You were caught back by her words, and before you realized what was going on, she drank the pill, and the glass of water shattered on the ground. She started to faint, and you quickly caught her, and moved her on the couch.

"Miss!" You cried, "How did you know?" 
"Just like I could read from your expression that day that you were going to decline the offer, it wasn't hard for me to assess the situation..." She coughed.
"No,," You sobbed.
"Don't cry Y/N. Thank you for fulfilling my wish, maybe in our next life, we might meet in another form, and then, I can tell you how much I appreciate you coming into our lives. Please don't feel bad for meeting with us..." She took one last breath:

"Tell Lisa and Jungkook, that I love them."

Oof, that was a hard chapter to write. Y'all are heartless, voting for his mom to die, welp here it is. We're nearing the finale guys, woohoo!

Thanks for watching, hope you enjoyed the chapter, and have a nice day<3

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