Chapter 65

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*Y/N P.O.V.*

You told the guys everything you knew, even the information you got from eavesdropping on Katherine's conversation. You could hear gasps coming from the other side of the phone as you went on with your story.

"And just a moment ago, I received a text showing me a photo of Katherine kidnapped. From the looks of it, Jungkook and Lisa should be there as well." You observed. "We need to get them out of there." 

The guys fell silent. You didn't understand the reason behind this silence, how were they not panicking? How were they all so calm? It's their friend that's in danger. No, not even friend, at this point, he's more like a brother to them. Their brother was kidnapped.

"Guys! Did you hear what I just said? Jungkook, Lisa and Katherine are in danger. This is a life-and-death situation we have here. We need to get them out." You said.
"We understand Y/N, but we need to remain calm." RM said.

Calm? When knowing that they could be dead any second? When knowing that precious time is ticking pass, and that they are closer to death with every tick of the clock? How were you supposed to remain calm?

You were about to start yelling, but then V started talking.

"I understand how much you care about the three of them, and how much they all mean to you. But Y/N, you need to understand, panicking will only waste time. The people we are going against aren't just some elementary school kids. They have extremely smart and experience subordinates, and most likely weapons on their side. Going in recklessly will not do us any good." V explained.

"You need to understand Jungkook is an irreplaceable member, and that we would do anything to make sure he's safe. But at the same time, we need to think of our personal safety first. Only after we make sure we're fine, that we'll have the energy to help others."

You were caught back by V's words. He's usually all happy and giggly, but this was the first time you heard him so serious. It was surprising.

"Trust me, I would give anything to be able to kick that asshole in the face." Jimin said, "But Taehyung is right. We need to think of a plan, we can't just go in and expect that they'll drop their weapons and yield to us."

You nodded.

"What are we supposed to do then? If we can't just go in head on. Katherine should know them best, but even she's been trapped. Do we even have a chance of winning?" You sighed.
"It's clear that they want you there, so before you arrive, nothing should happen to them." Suga said, "But if we wait for too long, then nothing is certain. We need to make sure you get there within 3 hours."

He wants something from you? What is it that he would want? You were never with Jungkook, you two were never a thing to start with. You cut off any possibilities before any of them could actually happen. You should technically be a stranger in relation to Jungkook. You had nothing to offer, what could he possibly want from you?

"What? Why would he want something from me? I have nothing that would be useful to him." You said.
"Sure, that's what you think, but remember, we're going against a maniac. You never know what they might think of as valuable." Jin laughed. "Hey guys, if a lunatic, maniac and serial killer moved into the same street, what would that street be called?"

Everyone fell silent.

"Psycho path!" He exclaimed, laughing.
"Jin we have more pressing issues to deal with. Your jokes can wait." Suga said.
"No, my jokes are punstoppable." He said, and you heard the familiar window wiping laugh that he always makes.

"Guys, be serious. It's Jungkook's life on the line, it shouldn't be a laughing manner." V said.
"I was trying to cheer Y/N up!" Jin retorted, "Y/N, you're feeling better right?" 

Despite the facepalm you gave yourself to Jin's puns, he did make you feel a little better.

"Yeah." You said, "Surprisingly it did."
"See? Dad jokes for the win." Jin said, and you could imagine his proud face as he leans back into the chair, crossing his arms in front of his chest.

"Anyways. Do you have their address?" Jimin asked.
"Yeah, they sent it to me." You said.
"Good, send us the address, and we'll meet you there. Hurry, we're short on time." Jimin said.

Jin grabbed the phone.

"You know what else you're short on?" He asked.

You could hear muffled voices in the background trying to tell Jin to give the phone back.

"Jin! Give V's phone back to him. We need to get going!"
"Jin-hyung, we can listen to your jokes on the way, we need to start heading out."
"No wait! I promise this is the last joke! What else is Jimin short on! C'mon guys, it's funny."

"Fine, what is he short on?" RM sighed.

"He's short on height! HAHAHAHHHAAHAH"

Sorry Jimin, I love you. You actual bias wrecker. I just wanted to end this chapter on a lighter note since the previous chapters have not been the most pleasant surprise. Jimin I love you and I wish nothing but the best for you <33

Thanks for watching, hope you enjoyed the chapter, and have a nice day <33

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