Chapter 20

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*Y/N P.O.V.*

She went up to you for a hug. You didn't know what to do. This was messed up, and you're sure she knows. You patted her back lightly.

"I'm not allowing this to bring me down." She pushed me away, her gaze firm. "If it's going to get worst than this, I can't be beaten down here."

You were happy seeing her this strong. She needed this, her life kept going south after her break up. It's nice that she's finally walking out of the shadows, and getting herself back together.

"That's great! Punch life in the face, like you kept telling me when we were younger." You joked.
"Yeah..." she laughed as well, "Where were you?" She suddenly asked.

You're heart dropped hearing the questions. You completely forgot that Katherine came home without you here, and with what she just told you, you didn't think that it she would really care.

"I was in the library, needed to grab a few books." You lied.

If she knew that you were at Tae's house, and that Jungkook was there, and all the things that happened the short period you were there, she would either kill you, you break down to a pile of tears all over. And both choices were bad.

"Ah, I need to grab a few as well, tell me when you're return your books, I'll go with you." She said.

You smiled and nodded. Your phone buzzed, and both of your gazes fell upon your phone. You were so scared that it would be Tae or Jungkook, but seeing the name, it was Josh, and that's when you finally remember that you didn't have their numbers, or their social media accounts.

Katherine needs you. He typed.

Katherine smiled at the text.

"See, Josh is here for you as well." You said, holding her hands, smiling.
"You guys are the best." She smiled weakly.
"You're going to get through this, I know you are." You encouraged.


Katherine went to campus with me the next day, she said the best way of showing the world that your not bothered by anything is to just show up.

"Everything is going to be fine." You ensured her.
"I hope so..." she sighed, "but it's no good running away from these problems."

We just walked a few steps, and the evil looks the both of you received was more than a lot.

"I guess our lives just went to shit huh?" She laughed weakly.
"It's alright, I never really had a life to begin with." You laughed.
"I should've never dragged you down here." She sighed.
"No, I should be there for you, we're friends no? That's what friends do, be there for each other."

When you were about to walk into your classroom, Rebecca blocked your way.

"Well well, guess how decided to show up?" She said, one hand on her waist, one of her eyebrows raised up.
"Hi." Katherine smiled sweetly.
"Oh no, after just a few days of not showing up, did the jealousy get to you?" She laughed.

Katherine only smiled more, and walked around Rebecca.

"And what about you? Still hugging your stupid little teddy bear and reliving the memory of Jungkook just paying a little attention to you?"

You wanted to slap her so bad, but if Katherine could suck everything up, and face her, then so could you.

"Nice to see you too Rebecca." You forced the words out of your teeth, and went to sit down next to Rebecca.
"It's nice that you didn't just pull her hair off." You whispered.
"It's not worth it, I came here to show that the drama around me doesn't affect me, doing that would ruin everything I'm trying to establish." She said.

You smiled, proud that Katherine has matured so much, and that she was not backing out of what she wanted to achieve this time, that this time she's actually sticking to her plan.

"I'm proud of you." You said.
"Thank you for being here, I'll make everything up to you. You don't deserve this." She said, "once I clean everything up, I'll make it up for you."
"You don't have to, you've been here for me, it's time that I return the favor."

She nodded, and looked down to her hands.

"I'm not allowing you to be being dragged down like this with me. I'm going to find a way to get you out of this, don't worry." She murmured.
"I'm going to solve this myself this time." She said firmly.

You wanted to say something, you opened your mouth, but no sound came out. You closed your mouth, replacing it with a firm nod to her.

We're going to get though this, you knew that you two were going to.

This was more than just a feeling.

Was sick, feeling better, sorry for the late upload, there will be a new chapter on Friday.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter, thanks for watching, and have a nice day<3

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