Chapter 21

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  *Y/N P.O.V.*

  After class, when you and Katherine were at your lockers, Jin patted your shoulder gently, startling you.

  "Oh my god, Jin, you scared me." You said, holding your chest.
  "I'm sorry, I wasn't intending for to scare you. I wanted to check if your hands were feeling better." He said, smiling warmly.

  That moment you wanted to kick Jin so badly. Katherine doesn't know that you spent a few hours with him, she didn't even know that you were with the gang of the seven hottest boys. And you were planning on not telling her, but now that Jin asked, she would clearly know that something is on, and if she knew the truth she would be heartbroken, especially the Jungkook part. So you had to quickly make up a fake cover up story.

  "Oh, I'm much better thank you." You smiled, praying on your heart that he wouldn't push the conversation and mention Jungkook.
  "That's good, remember if you need anything..." Your heart dropped knowing that he'll say 'you can go to Jungkook' or something like that, you quickly finished his sentence.
  "I can look for you!" You blurted out.

  At this point you wanted to kick yourself even more badly. Look for Jin? What the heck was that? Now Katherine will definitely question you. Out of all of the things you could have said, like 'I can go to the nurse's office' or 'I could go home and rest' you chose to say 'I can look for you'. You mentally facepalmed yourself.

  "Well yes, but what I was going to say..." Jin continued.
  "I'm fine, really. If I don't, I can simply go home." You interrupted again.

  Jin caught you hint, and nodded, seeing himself out.

  "What was that all about?" Katherine laughed.
  "At the party I helped out at moving the chairs and tables." You lied, "But I picked up too many at the same time and my hands were all red after that. He's just checking if I'm feeling better."
  "How do you feel? A hottie just checked on you." Katherine bumped your shoulder, with that smirk of hers.
  "Oh c'mon, you dated a hottie and I said nothing, but when it comes to me, why do make such a big deal out of it." You shook your head.
  "Loosen up Y/N, you know I'm just joking with you." Katherine laughed.

  You thanked all the gods you could name mentally, for making Jin finally go away. Turns out the hardest thing today, is not facing everyone's face, or facing the rumors going around, but hiding the fact that you were at Tae's house, and were with the six other guys.

  You two were walking to your class in the afternoon, when Katherine said that she had to go to the bathroom, and made you wait on a bench. Everything was going well, until Jungkook walked up to you.

  "Hey." He said, as you mentally kicked him as well.
  Is it so hard for them to understand that it was just redness, not the end of the world, and that you feel fine? How many people do I have to mentally kick today? You asked yourself.

  "Hi, yes I feel fine, no need to check on me, you're free to go!" You quickly said, hoping that Katherine wouldn't see that you two were having a conversation.
  "What's wrong?" He laughed.
  "Nothing, really. I'm just telling you that I'm great, and that you don't need to check on me anymore. That you can go on with your day, toodles!" You made him turn around, and tried to push him away, but man, was he hard to even move.
  "Ah ah ah, something fishy's going on. What's wrong? Can't let your 'precious playmate' find out that your talking to me?" He smirked.

  One day, when I have an eraser at hand, I will rub off that stupid smirk of yours. You said to yourself.

  "First, she's not my playmate. Second, that's none of your business. Don't you have anything else to do with your life? Like go on and break up with Rebecca?" You retorted, raising your eyebrow.

  Jungkook just looked at you, but he definitely wasn't shocked, he seemed more interested, and his evil smirk just grew wider on his face. He leaned in, his mouth next to your ear. You could feel his breathing on your next, it sent goosebumps all over your body. His familiar scent, of when he tied that mask on you. His wide shoulder almost covering your eyesight. You tried to contain you heart from beating it's way of your chest.

  "Wh...what are you doing?" You stammered, trying to push him away, but nonetheless, he didn't even move. "I have to go." You said again, but as you tried to back out, he pulled you in by your waist.

  "We both know that the two of them won't last long."

  Back at it again, with an weekly upload, on time! I'm sorry for the inconvenience I caused last Friday, so to make it up, I tried to put an somewhat intimate scene here. Y'all like it?😏

  Thanks for watching though, hope you enjoyed the chapter, have a nice day<3

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