Chapter 3

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  *Y/N P.O.V.*

  You and Katherine walked to school. She likes living with you, her mom is an alcoholic, and her dad isn't home most of the time, she said that he was cheating on her mom. You and Katherine were friends since you could remember, and your mom felt sad for her, so she allowed Katherine to live with you. Your parents are always out, your dad lives in another country, and your mom keeps have business trips, so your house was always empty, having her as company was pretty good.

  "What are we going to do if we see Jungkook again?" She asked.
  "I don't know. I asked him to keep the secret, but he only responded that he'll try." You said.
  "Oh god...why did we ever go there Y/N? Why was I so hot headed?" Katherine sighed.
  "People make stupid mistakes, and have shitty days. This'll pass sooner or later. We'll worry about it when it happens." You said.

The first part of the day passed, and nothing really happened. You two were lucky enough to avoid Jungkook whenever he was close. He didn't seem to see the two of you, so you let your guard drop down the second half of the day.

You were at your locker with Katherine. When she gasped, and shook your arm, making you looked behind you. You saw Jungkook looking deeply into a girl's eyes, he was smiling, and she was blushing. Katherine covered her mouth, and buried her face in your neck. You didn't know who the girl was, but it seemed that Katherine knew her.

"Who's that?" You asked.
"She's Jungkook's new girlfriend. Look at how he looks at her!" Katherine hissed.
"You know her?"
"Yes! I hate her! She was the reason we broke up. We used to be best friends, when I found out she liked Jungkook everything was ruined! She made him break up with me!" She hissed again.

You looked back up, and the girl was playing with Jungkook's hair. Disgusting that someone could betray their best friend for a boy. Especially when they knew they were dating. Katherine looked up, and the girl saw her. She quickly pulled Jungkook close to her, and kissed his cheek. Katherine was heartbroken. She pulled you into the janitor's closet, and rested her head on the wall while crouching down.

"How could she do this to me!" She whined.

You were almost sick and tired of the whole Katherine-Jungkook drama. It just seemed to get more and more complicated. This annoyed you because you didn't like even more drama, but it also made you think of why Katherine didn't mention her when she was explaining her break up, all she said was that he cheated on her. Maybe she wasn't ready to tell you?

"Y/N, I really need a girl's night out. Please, let's just go to a club, and drink. Drink until I hit my head, or get drunk enough to forget about any of this." She begged.
"I have an assignment that I'm planning to keep going on." You said.
  "Please Y/N, just this one time. I only have you left, do it for me. You can bring your textbooks to the club. I just need someone with me." She said.
  "Oh god, you're impossible. Fine, but if you get drunk, don't blame me when you have a hangover." You sighed.

  The day passed quickly, and both of you were getting dressed for the club. Music was playing in the background, and Katherine seemed to be enjoying herself. Finally, something seems to make her happy. She sang to the music while doing her makeup, and both of you called a cab to the club.

  Once you got in, you immediately regretted your decision. The music was so loud it could make your ears bleed, and there was almost no seats for sitting. You couldn't even focus if you wanted to. You sat down at the bar, putting your textbook on the counter, and searched for Katherine, just checking if she was alright.

  She had a drink in her hands already, and was dancing happily. You ordered a martini, and took little sips from time to time. Katherine got drunk quickly, and she was dancing on another guys lap. You had to apologize to the guy, saying that she had a boyfriend, just to get him to give her back to you.

  Katherine collapsed on the counter, mumbling something you couldn't hear. You looked around, trying to search for the closest exit, so you could bring her home. But you were shocked seeing Jungkook and his "girlfriend" sitting in a booth not far from here. You needed to get out of there quickly. You certainly couldn't let Jungkook see Katherine's broken figure, and make him find out the only reason she came was to forget about him.

  You tried to lift Katherine up, but she was holding onto the counter, not letting go. She kept saying "Nooo...Just..just one last dance! I'm not drunk, I just want to daaaance" You started panicking a little. You looked up, and at that very moment, you and Jungkook locked eyes. Shit.

  You quickly pretended to look somewhere else, which actually made Jungkook grow interest in you. He never knew that you were a "club girl" and seeing you there for the first time made Jungkook feel that you had more in you than he expected.

  You finally got Katherine up, and as quick as possible, tried to hide in the crowd, while going to the nearest exit. Jungkook's eyes kept following you though, as you were too easy to spot. He did see Katherine, and smirked at the thought of you bringing her drunk form home.

  You finally got the exit, when you bumped into Jungkook's girlfriend, who actually went out to get something while you were struggling to get to the exit. She raised an eyebrow, crossed her arms and looked at you. You were in sweat, and your hair was all messy from all the squeezing. You had drool on you because Katherine couldn't keep it to herself. You tried to regain yourself on not to panic

  When suddenly Katherine went up and slapped the girl.

  Okay, sorry for this late update. I was planning to update this long ago, but kept forgetting about it. Today I finally had the time to finish the last bit.

  Hope you guys enjoy this story. Thanks for watching, and have a nice day<3

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