Chapter 12

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  *Y/N P.O.V.*

  Getting rid of Rebecca? That sounded ridiculous to you, everyone can tell the chemistry between the two, and in your opinion, those two together are even cuter than when Katherine was with Jungkook. The way they look at each other, they way they support each other, why in the world would he want to get rid of her? Unless there's something about her that you don't know, or something about him...

  "Why would he want to get rid of her?" You asked.
  "He doesn't like her." Taehyung simply answered.
  "Yeah, he loves her." You laughed.
  "No, he has no feelings towards her. So if someone doesn't feel love towards another, then they shouldn't be together."
  "How can he feel nothing? His eyes are filled with passion when he looks at her." You were so confused.
  "It's all an act." Taehyung shrugged his shoulders.

  An act? So all this time Jungkook was acting as if he loves her? This made you shiver, how much is he hiding then? He's too good at acting, and it's scary. Anyone this good is hard to look through, and good at hiding things.

  "We're here." Tae snapped you out of thought.

  Both of you got off the car, and in front of you, was again, another mansion. Are all hot boys rich? You were too stunned to move, and also scared to go in. This was the first time you weren't going home, and staying at a boy's house. And especially, a boy that wants so close to you.

  "What are you waiting for?" Tae already opened the front door, he was waiting for you to walk in.
  "Oh, sorry." You murmured.

  He closed the door behind you, and you weren't surprised to see a shiny hallway, with chandeliers hanging, glass coffee tables, leather couches, with fur. Everything fancy you could imagine was right in front of you.

  "Make yourself a home. The rooms are in the second floor, pick which ever one you like, the first room in the right is mine." Tae threw his bag on the couch, and went into the kitchen, coming back and handing you a glass of water.
  "What do you do with such a big house?" You breathed.
  "I live in it." Tae laughed.
  "No, I mean, how many spare rooms do you have?" You asked.
  "About five."
  "And what do you do with those five rooms, when no one is around?" 
  "Nothing, there just there. Until someone comes."

  You fell silent, you never understood how they lived, owning mansions everywhere, with many rooms, and most of them empty, buying so many expensive, and fancy things when there is a cheaper and more useful one. But it was their lifestyle, and you couldn't change it, yet it bothered you.

  You followed Tae upstairs, and you weren't surprised to see a long hallway, with six rooms. You looked into each one of them, but got bored at the second room finding out they were basically the same. A kingsize bed, with perfectly folded white sheets, a personal bathroom, contains a tub, a shower place, two sinks. A makeup table, a huge closet, with a shelf to put everything, one shelf for shoes, one for clothes, one for pants...A study table, a medium sized library, and two counters next to the bed, each having a lamp on it.

  "This is too much...I just need a regular room. I don't even have a pair of clothes to change into." You said.
  "This is a regular room, I'll get you some of my clothes, if you don't mind. They might be a little big." Tae came back with a white blouse, and a pair of shorts.
  "I have run a few errands tomorrow, I might not be here when you wake up, there's food in the refrigerator, and all the cooking supplies are in the shelves near by, make yourself something to eat if you feel hungry." Tae smiled. "Oh and I agreed to let some of my friends come over, don't be surprised if you see them, they're all very nice."
  "Okay...Thank you. It's okay if I stay a few days right?" You asked.
  "Yeah, as long as I get no trouble, you can stay as long as you want to." He said.

  He left you to your room after that. You sat gently on the bed, it was soft, like a bunch of feathers piled together. The sheets had a slight rose scent in them. You could dim the lights however you pleased, and Tae even gave you a charger in the pile of clothes.

  You hit the shower immediately, washing off the makeup, the hairspray. And hopefully the thoughts that bothered you so much. You blew dry our hair, and put on the clothes Tae gave you. There were big, but just enough to make it seem like over size. You settled into the bed, and slept the night away.

  The next day, you were woken up by the loud sound of chatting downstairs. You hit the bathroom, brushing your teeth, washing your face. Tying you brushed hair into a bun, and headed downstairs to see what was up.

  To your surprise, the hottest boys in the school were hanging around the bar like table near the kitchen counter. Namjoon, Jin, J-Hope, Suga, Jimin and...


  THE TENSION! AND THE DRAMA BEGINS! *insert the song Begin* Okay Okay, I'll stop...But you understand my point?

  Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, thanks for watching, and have a nice day<3

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