Chapter 51

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*Y/N P.O.V.*

You close the door behind you, and turn on your phone, going through messages you didn't read. It's been a while since you went through your phone. And the moment you turned on your phone, you saw that you had so many missed calls from Katherine and your parents. So many unread messages as well.

You completely forgot about them, your life recently has been so chaotic, so many things to think about, that you didn't have time to think about them.

You quickly dial your parents' number.

"Y/N !!" Your mom said, picking up the phone.
"Hey mom, sorry, I was busy finishing an assignment." You lied. You didn't want your mom to know what you were going through, she'd ask so many questions, and get so worried.
"I was so worried about you, it's okay, as long as you're fine." She said.
"Yeah, I'm fine, just a little tired. I'll catch up with you tomorrow, I just called to tell you that I'm okay." You said.
"Yes yes of course !! Goodnight sweetie, just remember that if you need anything we're always here for you." She said.
"Thanks mom, goodnight." You said.

You hung the phone. Then took a deep breath. You were going to face Katherine.

"Hello?" You say, hearing that the phone was picked up.
"Oh my god Y/N !! Are you okay, you weren't picking up the phone these days, and I've asked so many people, and they said that they haven't seen you in days. I was prepared to call the cops." She said.
"Yeah sorry, I had something to do, but I'm fine, no need to call the cops." You laughed.
"Where were you?? What happened?" She asked.
"Nothing really, I'll be heading back in a few days. I just needed to get some stuff done, don't worry." You said.
"Okay...Is everything okay? I mean I understand if you don't want to talk about it." She said, you could tell that she was a little worried.

You sigh. You wanted to tell her all about it, about everything that happened, the contract, everything about Jungkook, his sister, running away from paparazzi. Absolutely everything, just like you did back in the day, when you had something on your chest, and she would listen, she really would. As surprising as it would sound, she was a great listener.

She would really look you in the eye, and listen carefully to every word, and telling you how great you were, how amazing of a human being you were, when you down. Saying that you were a strong, and independent person, when you wanted to give up. She would be rock behind you, pushing you to being a better person.

But this time, it wasn't that you didn't want to, but for some reason, something wasn't allowing you to, something was telling you that this was the only thing that you couldn't tell her.

"No, it's fine. It's done. It's no big deal anyways." You said.
"Okay..." Katherine said, "I'll see you tomorrow then. Thanks for checking in with me."
"Yeah no, see you tomorrow." You replied, holding back a yawn.
"Yep, goodnight."
" 'Night." 

You hung up the phone, throwing it on the bed. Covering your eyes with one arm, and just let your thoughts take over. You wanted to take back your decision so badly, you wanted to run out of this room, and tell Jungkook that you'd be glad to help. You didn't exactly know why you had the urge to do that, but you did.

Yet your logical side, after weighing everything, clearly came to the conclusion that not helping would be best, and the best thing to do, is to follow that conclusion.

You eventually forced yourself up, and went to brush your teeth. Right before you were going to turn off the lights, and go to sleep, but then you heard a conversation happening outside, and your natural curiosity led you to lean on the door, and of course, eavesdrop on what was going on.

"She's going to be in danger." A female voice said.

The voices were muffled, and you couldn't quite make out who was speaking, all you knew was that there was a guy, and a girl.

"We can't be sure." The guy said. "The evidence that was given isn't enough to just conclude she's going to be in danger." 
"Isn't that obvious enough? We never know what's going to happen, but we know who's behind this, and we know what they can do." The girl said.
"You know what, it's time to sleep, if you have anything else to say we'll talk inside." The guy said, and they did.

You were confused as what they were saying. Danger? It wasn't hard to guess that most likely you were the "she", they were talking about. The person behind this "danger" is Jungkook's uncle. But the only question, and the only thing that's kind of bothering you is:

What is this "danger" they're talking about?

Heyyyyy, here we gooooo, halfway? I think that's where we're at. Honestly, I'm not even sure anymore, because I always get new ideas, which somehow mess up the original plot. So bare with me as I try to figure out how to fit it in, while making sense haha.

Thanks for watching, hope you enjoyed the chapter, and have a nice day <33

My Friend's Ex//Jungkook FFOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara