Chapter 68

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*Y/N P.O.V.*

You stood there, staring blankly at Jungkook, Katherine and Lisa. He walked towards you, patting you on the shoudler.

"Don't worry, I'm giving you a whole day to make your decision." He smiled. "When 24 hours passed, I will send my men to ask for your answer. If you didn't make a move by then, my men will. The gun will be handed to you shortly."

You never felt so much hatred towards one man before. It took you everything to hold yourself back from wrestling him down to the ground. Even if logic was telling you that you wouldn't stand a chance against him, your heart kept wanting to nudge you into that direction.

You heard the the elevator door close, and immediately collapsed on your knees. You wanted to cry, to scream, to pull all your hair out. You tried pinching yourself wanting to wake yourself up from this nightmare. But nothing worked. You had no tears left, there was no sound coming from your mouth, nor was it a nightmare. All of this reality.

Maybe this is what feeling helpless meant. It's not that you can't do anything, and that you have to wait for others to come back with results. It was to have everything left to you, for you to make a decision. Helpless is when you have all the resources, you're the one doing the deed, but you have no one to turn to. No matter what you do, someone has to sacrifice. It's when, everyone is okay, and everyone is waiting for you, but you have no one turn to.

You felt dizzy. You really wish if you were to faint that this would be the time, but you knew that fainting would only take away precious time for you to make a decision. You heard a sound from behind you, and when you turned back, you swear you saw that the elevator door just closed.

You got up, and found a gun put nicely on a white handkerchief, in the gun were two bullets, no more no less. You picked up the gun, looking at it numbly. 

What to do now?

That's when a voice shook you awake. 

"Y/N..." The voice was soft as ever, "Y/N, look at me." 

You didn't want to. You knew who the voice belonged to. It's that voice that you wanted to hear, that voice that you hated but loved at the same time. You knew what that voice would say if you turned around. You didn't want to face that voice.

"Y/N." The voice called again.

Now, the tears started to form. Your hands started shaking, your legs as well. You shook your head.

"Stop," you said, "Stop calling me."
"Y/N." The voice called again.
"Stop!" You cried, turning around in fury.

Your heart skipped a beat, seeing his eyes. They were as soft as ever, with a hint of sadness.

"Don't you dare say anything." You warned.
"Y/N," He started,
"Shut up!" You cried. 
"I'm sorry for what I did before," He continued.
"No! Stop! Shut up! Don't say anything!" You said. You could barely hold the gun.
"I'm sorry for dragging you into this," He said.

You put the gun next to your head.

He stopped.

"Y/N, what are you doing?" He asked, you could hear that he was starting to panic.
"Jeon Jungkook," You started, "I swear on my life, that if you say another goddamn word, I will pull the trigger." 

Jungkook's eyes widened. He tried to get out of the chair, but the chains weren't allowing him.

"Y/N! Stop! Don't pull the trigger! I'll stop! I'll stop!" He said.

Your index finger touched the trigger. 

"Y/N!!" He called.
"Y/N, he'll stop! Don't pull the trigger!" Lisa called as well.

You closed your eyes, taking a deep breath.

"Y/N." Another familiar voice called. It was feminine. It was a voice that you knew too well. A voice that accompanied you for years. 

You felt a hand touch yours. Your eyes snapped opened, and before you knew it the gun was out of your hands.

You turned around, your eyes not registering what was going on, but your ears gave an answer.


When finally you eyes started to register what was going on. You felt her hand touch your cheek. Everything slowed down for a second. You two locked eyes, there was a weak smile on her face. Blood dripping down the right side of her head. She started falling to her right, her hand slowly leaving your cheek, mouthing the words "I'm sorry".

Everything then went back to normal speed, the gun fell on the floor, and she did as well. Lisa screamed. Blood started to flow on the ground, but she was still breathing. You quickly kneeled down, your hands shaking even more. It wasn't sadness that you felt that instance, with your heart beating so quickly, your hands shaking even more. It was fear. 

"KATHERINE!" You called. Trying to stop the blood by covering where the bullet struck.

You knew very well, that there was nothing you could do at this point. That it was only a matter of time before she would leave. Your hands were covered in blood.

"Katherine...Oh Katherine why..." You cried, tears streaming down your face. "How did you even get out. You were chained." 
"I've been trained remember?" She smiled, her breathing becoming fainter with every breath she took.
"Why didn't you get out earlier!" You said.
"I couldn't. As long as he was there, he made the lock unbreakable. He knew I was going to get out, so when he left he purposely made the lock easier to pick." She explained.
"Katherine..." You said.
"Shhh...." She said, "I don't have much time left."

You nodded.

"Here." She handed you a necklace with a little key on it.
"Wh-What is this for?" You asked.
"Y/N..." She started, taking a deep breath, "I feel a little tired..." 

You knew that at this point there was nothing you could say to her.

"Hey, hey..." You said, closing your eyes."It's okay...Shhh, it's late," Your voice started to turn shaky. "We still have class tomorrow, you should go to sleep first. I still have so much to say to you, but I'll tell you tomorrow. I'll tell you how great of a friend you were. I'll tell you how much you mean to me. I'll tell you how much I cherish you, how an amazing person you are. And I'll tell you..." You bit your lip, "how much I love you."

When you opened your eyes, she was gone. Her body motionless. She managed to close her eyes before leaving. You planted a kiss on her cheek, and then tied the necklace on you.

You placed both of her hands on her chest, and stood up.

You didn't want to see anyone. You picked up the gun, and ran to the elevator.

Jungkook and Lisa were calling your name, but you didn't want to face them just yet. Staying there, and having to look at her body...You didn't have the courage to do it. You quickly got on the elevator, staring at your bloody hands. You didn't know how you were going to make it out of the building without having everyone stare at you.

But when the elevator door opened again, the entire building was empty. It seems that when Jungkook's uncle left, he told all the employees to leave early. You had little strength left in you. You tried to push the door open so that you could leave the building, but the door was too heavy. 

You tried to push it again, but all you managed to do was smear blood all over it. You started punching the door, crying. And that was when the door opened.

You fell into someone's embrace, and there, you were met with another familiar voice...


Heyo, update as promised. Voting is now closed, so all the comments after 2020-04-22 will not be taken into account. I thought to make this chapter a little longer. Don't worry, the next person will be revealed by the next chapter, and their identity has been confirmed. You can take a guess if you want to ;)

We're getting near the ending guys. Man I didn't know how writing this chapter made me so emotional haha. I hope that you guys are still enjoying the story so far, we're getting there folks.

Thanks for watching, hope you enjoyed the chapter (actually no, I hope that this chapter made you feel some sort of sadness), and have a nice day <33

My Friend's Ex//Jungkook FFNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ