Chapter 4

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  You were left shocked at Katherine's actions. You didn't know what to do, she was drunk, and was on your shoulders, somehow she managed to escape and slap a girl in the face. When you finally managed to get your head straight, Katherine was pulling the girl's hair, and they were fighting.

  "You bitch! You knew that Jungkook and I just broke up, you fucking knew that I still love him! I thought we were friends!" Katherine screamed.
  "Get off of me you dirty slut! So what I knew you loved Jungkook? So what I knew you guys just broke up? What did you do when you knew that I liked him first! You took him away from me, you seduced him to you, and once you got him, you threw me aside!" The other girl screamed back, trying to get Katherine off of her.

  The whole bar suddenly turned silence, and everyone's attention were on these two girls fighting over this one guy. No one intended to break the two apart, they just watched, and whispered to each other while the fighting kept on going. You tried to break them, but they just pushed you away, saying it's not your business.

  "I did not seduce him! He liked me first, how is this my fault? I tried to help you, who knew that when I was trying he fell for me?" Katherine said mockingly.
  "Oh yeah? Then why did I see you pulling him closer and closer? You guys were almost on the verge of kissing each other! Now finally he's not with you anymore, I only came in and took what was suppose to be mine! How is that wrong? And for some reason I'm the bitch here?" The girl spat back.

  You were more shocked of their words. You knew that Katherine didn't like the girl, and you could tell that the girl didn't like Katherine either, you also knew that they used to be friends, but you never knew there was a back story to any of this. Katherine never told you that she tried to help her, but at the end she got with the guy her best friend liked.

  This made you question Katherine. This was bad, this was heartless. First she hid this huge thing from you, and from the looks of it, she was never planning on to tell you any time sooner, then she did this to her ex-best friend. You've been with Katherine for as long as you can remember, and this didn't seem like things she would do to anyone, don't even start with best friends. Yet from the looks of the girl's anger, and hurt eyes, it didn't seem that she was lying, and Katherine herself didn't deny her words.

  You sighed, and looked around. You had to take her and leave soon, but before you could even find a way to leave, or just break them apart, Jungkook came up. He took the girl by the arm, and pushed Katherine away.

  "Stop it babe, she's not worth your time." Jungkook said softly to the girl.
  "Who the fuck brought this pathetic piece of junk here anyways?" The girl said, brushing the dust of her clothes.
  "You better shut your mouth before I sew it shut!" Katherine growled.
  "Hey, that's my girlfriend your talking to. Better watch it." Jungkook warned dangerously.
  "Jungkook please...isn't there anything I could do to fix all of this? To turn this back to the way it was...where you were mine, when we were so happy together...Remember? You'd pick me up after school, we'd walk to your house, and cuddle...please, anything!" Katherine was practically on her knees when she said those words. She was begging, she was pleading.

  Jungkook raised an eyebrow, looking down at Katherine. He kneeled down, and tilted his head, and smirk appeared on his face.
  "You are the worst friend I have ever seen. I never knew anyone who would take their best friends crush away from them, but mostly I feel sad for Y/N, she's been with you for so long, and you keep calling her your 'best friend' but from her looks, she doesn't seem to know any of this..." Jungkook's eyes were cold while saying this.

  He got up, and with the girl, they left the bar. Katherine, fell on her knees, and started sobbing. She was still drunk, you could tell, but it was as if part of her was sober...she didn't seem a hundred percent drunk, or a hundred percent sober.

  You sighed, and took her up on you shoulders. She kept mumbling the name Jungkook from time to time, but she was too drunk and tired to do anything anymore. You carried her home, and placed her on the sofa.

  You looked at her slightly red face, and you shook your head.

  She did love Jungkook, with all her heart...but, how come she never told you any of the things she did with that girl? Aren't friends suppose to tell each other almost everything? You told her almost everything about you, but she seemed to have hid a few things from you, and this made you a little heart broken.

  You needed some air from what happened tonight. You knew you still had homework and projects to do, but you decided to think about all those things later, all you actually wanted, and needed at the time, was some alone time, with fresh air. You wandered in the neighborhood, but didn't care where you feet took you. As long as I'm outside, you thought to yourself.

  It was getting darker and darker, and you knew you had to go home, but you also wanted to keep on walking forever. You didn't want to go back and face Katherine's drunk form, you didn't want to think what your friendship with her meant to her, you didn't want to hear another thing about Jungkook, or any drama involving him...You just wanted things the way they used to be.

  You were lost in thought, when a voice interrupted them.


  Who could this mysterious person be? Y'all have any guesses? I'm just kidding, I didn't even have the chance to introduce this character to you guys yet!

  Stay tuned for the next chapter to find out;)

  Thanks for watching, and have a nice day<3


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