Chapter 66

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*Y/N P.O.V.*

You wished that the driver would drive faster. Every red light you encountered just made you more and more nervous. Time was ticking, and every moment you spent waiting at a red light, meant more time having Jungkook, Lisa and Katherine waiting for you.

After what seem liked an eternity of sitting in the car, you finally arrived at the destination. You quickly unbuckled your seatbelt, and grabbed some money out, shoved it to the driver, and headed out of the car.

"Miss, your change!" The driver called out.
"Keep it!" You yelled back, jogging towards the entrance.

The place seemed like any rich company's building, covered in glass, so tall to the point that it seemed it could break a hole in the sky. It stopped raining, but the ground was still wet. Your eyes scanned for an entrance, and sure enough, it was guarded by two buff men.

You tried to search for another way in, when someone tapped you on the shoulder. You turned around seeing the six of them standing there.

You suddenly wanted to burst back into tears again. Seeing their familiar faces after all that's happened made you feel safe. You hugged each one of them.

"So this is where that bastard works." Jimin murmured.

Jimin's expression was serious, scary even. He's usually all bubbly and soft, and he's the one you'd expect to never get angry. Jungkook's kidnapping must have hit a nerve in him. 

"Jimin, we're here to get Jungkook out, not to fight." RM reminded.
"Unless we have time after, then we can beat the shit out of them." V said, cracking his knuckles.
"So what's the plan?" You asked.
"We don't know how many people there are down there, sure we know we have three people held hostage, but we don't know the amount of guards there are." RM said, "We'll need to find a way in, as well as where exactly they are in this huge building. They honestly could be anywhere."

All of you guys fell silent, when your eyes landed on the phone in your hands. Of course! Why didn't you think of this earlier?

"I could text him back, saying I'm here. If he wants me there so badly, surely he'd find a way to let me in safely. I can text you guys the amount of people when I get in." You suggested.
"It's too risky to just text us in the open, under their eyes. You'll need to update us on what's going on at the same time. We need a code." RM sunk into deep thought.

Normally you would have agreed with what he said, and frankly you did. But time was running out, and you didn't know how long it would take for you guys to come up with a code. You were about to just start texting when Suga pulled out a few earbuds.

"I brought a couple of wireless earbuds. You guys can communicate using these." He said, handing one to every one.
"Also, I brought three mics." He said, handing you and RM one, "They look like stickers, so just stick them to your shirts, they'll blend in to seem like a logo." 

"Aye Suga, I didn't know you had all these things. Where do you hide them?" Jin said,
"No hyung, I'm not going to tell you. You're gonna start broadcasting your stupid dad jokes to us." Suga said, "Who should I give this last mic to?" 

RM looked around, thinking.

"V." He said.
"C'mon Suga, I've seen you laugh at my jokes. You guys'll enjoy them." Jin said,
"Okay Y/N, text them." RM said.

You turned on your phone, and started texting them.

[Texts are shown below]:{photo} 
                                             Okay, I'm here, what do you want?
You really do care about these people huh?
                                          Cut straight to the chase, what now? 
Send me a photo of where you are, I'll send two men to 
escort you here
I see that you've brought friends. They can wait outside.
                                                   I never said I was bring them in
I would advice against trying to sneak in mics.
See you soon.

"Shit he can see us." You mumbled.
"Of course he can,  it would be weird for such a large building to be lacking security cameras." Suga said.
"Then he would have seen you handing us the mics and everything." You said.
"Don't worry, the earbuds and the mics have a skin that you can peel off. Peel them off and hand them to me. It'll it make it seem you guys gave me back the mics." Suga said.

You were impressed by this function, and sure enough there was a layer that could be peel off. You handed them to Suga, and stood up.

"Well, I'm going in I guess. I hope to make it out alive." You said, half jokingly.
"Good luck, we'll be on standby in the car." RM said.

You hugged them goodbye and started heading towards the entrance.

Here goes nothing.

Hey guys! I know this update is a little late, period cramps have been torturing me alive so I couldn't upload the past two days. 

Hope you enjoyed the chapter, thanks for watching, and have a nice day<33

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