Chapter 62

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*Katherine P.O.V.*

I watched as she walked into the her room. She was soaked, and her eyes were tired. She showed off no emotion, not even sadness. She was just numb. 

"Hey, take a shower, get into some dry clothes. We'll work this out somehow." I said to her.

She didn't even reply, the door shutting close behind her. I was worried for her, I've never seen her in this state before. I've been through everything with her, seen her cry, seen her smile, but this was a first.

I would have done some more for her, but I think at this point the best I can do, is be there for her, but allow her to mend her own wounds. She's tough, and I know that. I need to give her space, but at the same time keep an eye on her. Just to make sure that she's eating, and getting sleep etc.

I'm also shocked by the news. I didn't even see it coming. It was known that idols were at higher risk of running into dangerous situations due to their fame and popularity, but this? This seemed unreal. 

I flung myself onto the couch in our living room. I was soaked as well, trying to stop her from interfering with the scene. But I was too lazy to move. I didn't know how to feel. I was filled with sadness, but mostly confusion. What was I supposed to feel?

As I was trying to figure things out, I felt my phone buzz in my pocket. 

A text message appeared.

"See what we can do? We don't need you. There's more to come."


*Y/N P.O.V.*

You closed the door behind you, flopping onto the ground. You didn't want to shower, you didn't want to change. Quite frankly, you didn't want to do anything. You were numb. It was as if you've experienced so many emotions to the point that your brain just decided to shut off. Were you sad? Were you tired? Honestly, you didn't even know. All you knew is that you just wanted to be left alone.

This honestly seemed like a joke.  A big fat joke that life decided to punish you with since you weren't being honest with yourself. 'Oh you say you don't need him anymore? You say you're over him? Okay then, let me just whoop him away'. 

You wanted to laugh even, but then you started sobbing. What was this? What was even going on? You rested your head on the door. Your hair was wet, and some of it even tangled from the encounters you had at the scene of the accident. It was uncomfortable, but you didn't even care anymore. What mattered? What is there to care about?

Katherine seems as if she's in a life-and-death situation, Jungkook most likely is dead. You and your parents were never the closest since they were out half of the time. There's really nothing for you to care about anymore. 

You closed your eyes, wanting to sleep. You hoped that sleep would be able to wash away everything, or at least take you away from reality for a few hours. If only this wasn't real. You pinched yourself, yeah, it hurt a little. Great, this is real.

This was the first time that you realized what sadness actually was. It wasn't as dramatic as you've seen in movies, it was as painful as you'd imagine. It was just...numbing. You had the energy to do everything, but just didn't want to. You didn't see the purpose of it. 

You did fall asleep, and when you woke up, you didn't know how much time had past.

You decided to check the news, hoping that there's an update on the situation. 

Apparently in the time it took for you and Katherine to arrive back home, the situation blew up already. Fans across the world, for both groups were all extremely concerned for their favorite idols. Members of the respective teams all came out to reassure fans, and to calm them down.

You typed in: "Jungkook car..." but couldn't continue. A tear drop fell onto your phone, your hands were trembling, maybe from the cold. You didn't know. You took a deep breath, and held your grip on your phone.

"Jungkook car accident." You finally typed out.

"BTS Jungkook was reported to have experienced a...", "Fans are concerned for BTS's Jungkook...", "Biggest boyband's member Jungkook...."

Your eyes raced through the different media links. Not finding one telling you how they were doing. All of them were merely reporting what happened. Out of frustration, you turned off your phone and slammed it on the ground. But right as you did that, a notification appeared.

You were skeptical of opening that notification, given the information you overheard in Katherine's conversation. But you opened it anyways. Inside was a picture from an unknown sender.

You open the picture.

It was Katherine, tied in a chair, her mouth blocked with a white cloth.

"They're all here."

Hey guys! Man i was not expecting so many people to be shocked by the last chapter. Most of the comments wanted answers, and so here it is. See what you can make out of it ;) 

Thanks for watching, hope you enjoyed the chapter, and have a nice day<33

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