Chapter 42

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*Y/N P.O.V.*

He walks to his front door, and waits for you to catch up. Since you were so caught up in the dream you just had, you were walking quite slowly. You couldn't quite differentiate if it was a dream or not. It felt so real, but at the same time from Jungkook's reaction, it seems as if nothing happened.

"Could you walk any slower?" He asked.

You quickly shook the idea out of your head. Of course it's fake, why would it be real? Why would a jerk like him, actually do something like that? Anyone would have a change in attitude if they just kissed someone, and clearly nothing of him has changed.

"I just woke up from a long ass night, give me a break." You retorted.

You walked up the steps, and stood in front of the door.

"Well what are you waiting for? I'm here, open the door." You said.
"I'll need to do something before that." He said, leaning towards you.

You were scared that he was going to actually kiss you, so you quickly covered your lips, but he started laughing.

"What? Do you think I'm going to kiss you?" He laughed.
"Well I gotta be prepared." You say.
"Why would I ever kiss you?" He says, holding you wrist, "My door opens via fingerprint. I think it's best for you to add yours, in so that you won't need me to come and open the door for you everytime you come here." He said.

You snort.

"Everytime I come here? Why would I come here more than one time? You think I really love you and your house so much that I want to come here multiple times?" You laugh.
"I'm just saying, at least that way this door is always opened for you." He shrugged his shoulders, "Plus isn't this the second time you came to my house?" He started smirking.

You pull your hand out of his.

"Fine I'll leave, I told you I'm fine with a hotel, you were the one that insisted for me to come here anyways." You say turning and leaving.

He pulls your arm, and turns you back to him. You bump onto his chest.

"Stop, I'm sorry okay?" He said softly.

He took you hand, and put it on the monitor. The monitor started to scan you hand, while both of you stood there in silence. You were sort of taken back by his sudden kindness. His soft tone and everything.

"Why are you doing this for me?" You suddenly blurt out, then instantly regretting it.
"Doing what?" He asked, standing closely behind you, his hand still holding yours.
"All of this. Bringing me to dinners, giving me a place to stay, everything." You say.
"Because you're hopeless and you need it." He said, opening the door.

You instantly wanted to slap yourself. What were you expecting? Honestly, what were you expecting? You drag you feet into the house, collapsing onto the chair like figure, and throwing those stupid heels on the ground.

"Do you hate heels so much?" He ask, as he picks up the heels you threw and put them onto the shoe closet.
"You try to walk in those things for a whole day." You say, tired.
"It can't be that bad." He said.
"You know what, I'm too tired to argue with you. I'm going to sleep." You say, as you walk into the house.
"Do you even know where the room are?" He asks, walking behind you.

You took a deep breath.

"I can find my way around just find mind you." You retort back.
"Can't you just back down for a bit? And stop trying to pick fights?" He asks, as you were about to take a left turn, but he forces you to the right by turning your shoulders.
"Me? Picking fights? Are you sure about that? I think between the two of us, you're the one that keeps picking fights." You say.
"See? You're trying to pick a fight again." He says.

You sigh.

"You're in the bedroom hall, you can pick any room to stay in. First one on the left is mine though." He said.
"I'm taking last one on the right, I want to stay as far away as possible from you." You say, as you walk quickly to the last room on the right.

You heard that Jungkook wanted to say something, but you didn't want to wait to hear it, so you closed the door behind you, and jumped onto the bed. 

The bed was so soft, you wanted to fall asleep immediately, but you remembered the amount of makeup on your face, and you knew that your skin wasn't the best, so you had to force yourself to get up, take the makeup off and take a shower.

The makeup wasn't hard to get off, and taking a shower at the end of such a long day was literally heaven. You walked out, rubbing your hair, when suddenly you realized:

You didn't have any clothes to change into.

Hello everyone !!! Weekly update here, hope you guys like it. I know it's going a little slow, I can quicken things up a bit if you guys wanna, please tell me what you think !!

Thanks for watching and have a nice day<33

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