Chapter 61

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*Y/N P.O.V.*

"You stay back from Y/N!" Katherine hissed.
"Now if you'll excuse me, I have other guests I need to greet. It was nice talking to you miss Helbert." The man said.

You understood that the conversation was over, and quickly turned to the food table, trying to act as if you were looking for something good to eat. You had your fingers crossed that the man didn't notice you.

Once you made sure that he walked away, you turned around, seeing Katherine right behind you.

"Y/N?" She asked.
"Katherine!" You declared, "I was looking all over for you!"
"What's wrong?" She asked.
"Oh no! Nothing's wrong! I'm just tired, and I wanted to look for you so we could head back together." You said.
"Oh, okay. Yeah, you're right. It is getting late, we should start heading back." 

You two walked next to each other in an awkward silence, the Uber you called was two minutes away, and you two just stood there, not talking to each other. You knew that she was thinking about the conversation you overheard.

The Uber was about to arrive, when you saw Jungkook and Lisa starting walking out. They had a crowd around them, taking pictures, trying to interview them. You had to make way for the crowd to pass.

Lisa noticed you, and sent a wink towards you. You waved back shyly. When Jungkook passed, you two locked eyes again, but you quickly looked away. Stop it Y/N, you're better than this. The two of them got into their car, and left, with the crowd of people trying to chase behind them.

"Rough life being an idol huh?" You observed.
"Yeah. They have no privacy, and have to constantly look perfect." Katherine said.
"I wonder how they manage..." You sighed, as the two of you got onto your car.

The road back was quiet. Katherine was on the phone the majority of the time, while you just looked out the window. It started to rain a little, and there was traffic ahead. You quickly drifted to sleep, and when you woke up again, it was Katherine shaking you.

"Wake up Y/N!" She hissed.
"What? Are we there already?" You asked, still in a sleepy state.
"No! Apparently Jungkook's car got into an accident." Katherine said.


You were quickly snapped out of your sleepy state, your eyes wide open, your head clearer than ever.

"What? How do you know? When did this happen?" You asked.

Katherine pointed in front of the car, and there were two or three cars jammed into each other. There was smoke coming out of the the engines. It was still raining lightly. You couldn't believe what you were seeing, from the looks of the accident, it was hard to tell if anyone would be able to make it alive. The ambulance quickly appeared, isolating the area.

"How do you know that's Jungkook's car?" You asked. 
"It's in the news already." Katherine showed you her phone.

'BTS Jungkook car accident.' The headline said. At 5:36 pm today, we received news that BTS's Jeon Jungkook and BlackPink's Lisa got into a car accident. While trying to make it to their next event, their car was crashed head on by another car (persumably that of a paparazzi ). We don't have information on whether the two idols made it out alive, but one of the drivers died on the spot. The Medical team is still working hard on trying to find the two.

You read and reread the news. Not believing anything that was going on. You got off the car, Katherine right behind you. You ran towards the accident, but there were policemen already there.

"Miss, you're not allowed to walk pass from here." The man said.
"Let me go." You said, trying to make your way through.
"Miss, I don't want to hurt you, please step back." The man said.

You tried to get rid of his grip, but it was so hard on you that no matter what you did you couldn't free yourself from it. You gave up eventually.

You watched as people pushed two carts with white cloths on them into the ambulance. You were soaked already. You looked around trying to find another way in. Was Jungkook okay? Was Lisa okay? How did this happen?

"Y/N!" Katherine called. 

You didn't listen. You tried to go in through the side of the accident, but Katherine held you back.

"Let go Katherine!" You yelled, 
"Y/N Stop!" She said.
"Let me go! I need to see if they're okay!" You said, pushing Katherine away.

But she held back onto you, pinning you on your knees.

"Y/N! That's enough!" She said. "Wake up Y/N! There's nothing you can do now! By going in you're only going to cause more trouble! Leave them to the professionals. They're doing their best." 

Your head felt light, as if the world was spinning around you. How could this happen? Wasn't it just a moment ago that he was well, standing in front of you? Wasn't it just a moment ago that you cried for him.

What's this? Tears? Why were you crying?

Didn't you just say that those were the last tears you were going to cry because of him?

Oh la la. I did not enjoy writing this chapter. Trust me, there's more to come. Buckle up guys, you're in for a ride.

Thanks for watching, hope you enjoyed the chapter, and have a nice day<3

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