One Sick Commie (part 2.)

Start from the beginning

"Here Russ, drink this." Russia looked up blearily, and accepted the water, taking slow sips of it. It scraped uncomfortably against his sore throat, but he managed. Germany had went back to check on whatever he was cooking for their lunch, grabbing two plates for the both of them.

Scooping up the two grilled cheeses with his spatula, Germany placed them on their own plate, and cut one diagonally across,  the other one into 'soldiers' for easier picks. Then he ladled the thick tomato soup into two bowls, and brought them to the table.

Russia wrinkled his nose as a wave of steam hit his face from the bowl of red soup. "What is this?" He picked up a stick of toasted bread and melted cheese, feeling its warmth spread up into his fingers.

"It's grilled cheese and tomato soup." Germany said, picked up his own and showing Russia how he dipped it into the soup. "My father used to make it for me when I was sick as a kid." He smiled, and bit into the soaked area.

Russia blinked tiredly and poked the stick of grilled cheese into his own bowl, and nibbled at it slowly. "Its...good." He said, and took a bigger bite. Germany grinned and leant over from where he sat beside his boyfriend to give him a light kiss on the cheek, making him smile as well.

"I also made you some solyanka for dinner later." He said. Russia positively brighten up considerably as much as a kid who had heard that Christmas had come early. A very sick kid. He gave him a watery smile and leant against Germany's shoulder, nuzzling his nose to his neck as thanks.

Germany grinned, turning his head around to press his lips on his boyfriend's brow sweetly. Russia continued to eat, managing to finish three of the cut up pieces before turning away, his stomach grumbling. But he took tiny sips of the tomato soup, liking the sweet and sour flavour.

"You need to eat some more medicine after this okay?" Germany said softly, cupped his cheek and nudging the bowl away from his mouth for a moment. Russia nodded slowly, sighing and slumped his cheek in Germany's hand.

The smaller country smiled softly, closing his eyes and tilted his head to face Russia's, fitting their lips together like two perfect puzzle pieces. Russia hummed happily at first, but then his eyes widen and he pushed Germany away quickly. "Германия!!" He exclaimed.

"What?" Germany laughed innocently. "You can't just kiss me like that! I don't want you to get sick too!" 

"That doesn't matter. I want to make you feel better~" He teased, and stood up quickly to clear their plates and bowls before Russia could protest further. He groaned, his face heating up under the flushness from the fever.

"Here, after this I think you should go take a shower. You're sweaty." Germany set two of the fever pills and a glass of water beside him. Russia grunted a raspy thanks and quickly swallowed them down, not wanting to make a big fuss about them this time. 

After washing up the dishes, Germany grabbed his laptop from his office briefcase and went to the living room to see to some work, since he promised to be working from home. The shower was running, so he knew where his sick boyfriend was. 

He sighed, and opened up his Gmail. There were a bunch of notifications, and he immediately started up his work rhythm, sending out emails and replies quickly. A song squeezed into his mind, and he started humming and nodding his head to the beat. 

 The bigger country walked lazily down the stairs, his milk-white hair damp. He had went to his study to retrieve his ushanka from were he had left it yesterday, and was playing absentmindedly with its fluffy interior when he noticed his boyfriend on the couch. Germany was doing work, sitting with his legs crossed, laptop set securely in the cradle and humming a small tune. He had to smile at the sight, his boyfriend was just so handsomely perfect. 

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