Chapter 17

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Niall hasn't been feeling good for a few weeks. His stomachs upseting him and his bodies shore. He can't eat as much as he usually does. You don't know what's wrong with him and he doesn't know either. You sat bedside looking Niall in his ocean blue eyes knowing that he's in pain.

"My poor baby." You rested a hand on his warm face.

"I have never been in so much pain." Niall groaned. You kissed his forehead and moved his blonde hairs away from his forehead. "Can't wait till our wedding." You changed the subject.

"Neither can I. And I want babies." Niall brought up.

"So do I. But not right now."

"Aaww. I want babies." Niall mumbled softly.

"After our wedding, okay?" You made a reasonable but with him.

"Okay. I want a son." Niall poked your cheek.

"So do I. A baby Niall would be cute." You told him fondly. He weakly smiled then his face quickly changed in pain.

"I think I need to go underwat-" Niall started to retch. You panicked throwing the blanket off him leading him to the toilet. He hunched over gagging into it, it didn't sound good.

"Your too sick to swim back underwater. I'll take care of you."

"I know you will but the sea doctors might be a better option." He stood up flushing the toilet, going outside.

"Be careful." You warned.

"I'll be back." Niall clutched his stomach stepping in the water until his tail grew. Swimming wasn't the easiest for Niall considering that he's ill.

"Mum!" Niall swam in crying. "I don't feel so good."

"Oh dear! Get the doctors in here quick!" Maura clapped.


The doctor ran a few test on Niall checking out all his weird symptoms.

"It can't be!" He gasped in amazement. "Niall, your amazing!"

"I thought I was sick?" Niall replied confused.

"You broke another merfolk myth. It's come true!" He hugged Niall.

"Me growing legs?"

"No. Taking a human specimen during sexual intercourse." He mentioned.

Niall had to think back a few weeks ago when you two had sex in the ocean. "I don't believe it. We've had sex before." Niall shook his head.

"Any other times?" The doctor asked. Niall remembered the first time he did when he grew legs.

"But I had my legs then...." Niall now came to realization about the last time. He was a merman then not human.

"No...I can't be." Niall swam down the halls in disbelief, hoping that he isn't what he think he is. It's finally come but he's not ready. He exited the hall where Greg was leaning on the wall.

"So you got knocked up?" Greg said in a mean tone.

"Where you've eavesdropping?" Niall asked defensively.

"Why eavesdrop. We have some of the biggest mouths in this kingdom." He poked at Niall stomach and he moved back so Greg wouldn't touch him anymore.

"Stop that!"

"I got something for you." He handed him a human pregnancy test.

"What's that?" Niall asked.

"A pregnancy test. Some human dropped it off the boat up their." Greg pointed up to the surface.

"Your weird." Niall looked at the test.

"Not as much as you. Hope that baby doesn't look as ugly as you!" Greg swam away from Niall.

"I'm not pregnant or ugly, you asshole!" Niall snapped. Then Niall decided to take the test to prove everyone wrong.

It's late at night and Niall hasn't seen you since he left. Niall swam back on the beach and dried his tail as fast as he could.

"Hey Niall." You called.

"Hey, (Y/N). Give me a second." Niall ran to the bathroom to take the test. He sat on the bathtub waiting on his results to come back.

"Hurry up." Niall looked at the test impatiently waiting for results to come up. A few seconds later the results came up.


Niall slowly walked out the bathroom bathroom holding his stomach in nervousness and a sad expression on his face.

"Nialler, you okay?" You asked. He slowly shook his head on the verge of tears.

"Will you hate me?" Tears escape from Niall's eyes.

"No. I love you." You told him.

"I found out why I was sick for these past few weeks." Niall said.

"Why is that?" You became nervous about what he was gonna say.





"No.....I'm pregnant."

Niall started sobbing and you felt your stomach drop. "Your what?"

"Pregnant. I'm sorry!" Niall ran out to the ocean trying to run away.

"Nialler, wait!" You chased after him. Before his feet could touch the ocean water to grow a tail, you pulled him away into a hug.

"I'm so sorry. I broke another myth." Niall apologized.

"What myth?" Then you thought back to what Maura told you about a taking human fluids and putting them in a merefolk, which will result into a baby.

"Mermen can get pregnant?!" You pulled him out the hug.

"It's crazy but it's always been that way." Niall sniffed wiping his eyes. "You said you weren't ready for kids."

"It's not your fault, Niall. I'm the human so I'm responsible as well." You put a hand on his stomach.

"You don't hate me?"

"No, Niall. If I didn't then I wouldn't propose to you or take you shopping on your birthday." You kissed his forehead.

"And I wanted to have sex and it's not my fault?"

"I want too as well." You calmed him down.

"So your okay with this?" Niall asked.

"I am. I know I said that I wasn't ready for babies but now that your pregnan, I guess I'll get ready now."

Niall threw himself in your arms hugging you as tight as he could. "I love you, (Y/N).

"I love you too, Nialler." You picked him up, carrying to the bed. You pulled up he shirt past his stomach kissing his pudgy stomach.

"That tickles." Niall giggles.

"Now we have a wedding and a baby on the way." You kissed his stomach then his lips.

"I can't wait." Niall said. You rubbed and kissed on Niall's belly until he felt asleep and went off to sleep with him. Look's like you and your princeNiall will have a prince of your own.

The Boy From Deep Blue: Niall Horan (Gay Imagine AU)Where stories live. Discover now