Chapter 9

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*Niall POV*

I love (Y/N) so much. He's takes good care of me, he loves me more than anyone has back in the ocean, and he's just been the best.

I wish there were mermen underwater like him. But in that case, I don't really want a merman, I want (Y/N).

"Good morning my Prince Niall" (Y/N) walks in the room jumping on top of me waking him up.

"Good morning" I mumbled pulling his head in my chest.  I rub at his hair and kissed at his forehead.

"How's is my Prince?" (Y/N) played snuggling tighter in my chest.

"He's good. He wants more sex" I laughed.

"Maybe later, Niall." he finalised.

"But I'm the Prince. Shouldn't I get what I want?" I protested still denying the fact that my arse is still sore.

"I taking care of you and all.  But that doesn't mean you boss me around" (Y/N) stated giving me a light kiss on the nose.

"But I thought was the prince of the house?" I said giving my puppy eyes and a pouted lip.

"You are a prince. Your my prince. Just a cute little nickname to make you feel better. And because I love you" (Y/N) kissed me. I love him too, besides I live in his house and being the 'prince' of it is just a title.

"Can we go swimming?" I asked him. "My tail will grow back when I touch ocean water you don't mind."

"So how did you manage to get your tail in the aquarium?" He looked confused.

"I took ocean water in a bottle and poured it on me and I just jumped in" I told him and he couldn't help but laugh. 

"So we have to dry you off and you'll grow yours legs back?" He asked massaging my thigh. I nodded letting him know that I can grow legs back.

"Race you to the water!" He said then jetting out the room and to the sand. I ran after him and he's almost there. I don't want to use my powers on him. I stepped outside and I feel with a huge thud.

"Ow!!!" I faked and (Y/N) turned around in fright. He ran as fast as he could to me and I'm trying not to laugh.

"Oh my gosh, NIall are you ok?!?!" He started to panic.

"I think I broke my ankle!" I pretended to wail and a fake cry turns into a small chuckle when I hide my face in my knee. 

"Oh my gosh, I'll get you some ice!" He ran back in his house and within that moment if jumped up and ran in the ocean. A few seconds as my feet touch the water my legs start to glow blue then my tail came back. And I feel straight on my back. I should've laid down before my legs changed. 

"Niall, I have some--" He stared straight at me and I waved at him.

"Gotcha!" I yelled and blew him a kiss. 

"You bastard!" He slammed his bag of ice down on the ground and ran towards me. I turned around and crawled into deeper water then I took off. I hid underwater and I see his feet underwater walking on the sand as the water gets deeper going past his knees. He swam out even further and I swam as fast as I could to him and I grabbed him in a tight hug, scaring him. I attacked his face with kisses and love bites. 

"I love you, Niall" he crooned resting his head in the crook of my neck.

'I love you, too" I told him back rubbing his back and holding him in the ocean,


I'm sitting on the couch watching TV and (Y/N) went out to get 'something special for a special someone besides me' he said quote on quote. I wanted to cry when he said 'besides me'. But he was charming and he calmed me down. 

"Hey Niall!" My love walked in the door smiling.

"What did you get that special someone what they wanted?" I asked sounding a tad bit jealous

"I hope I did and can you hold your hand out?" He asked me. I hesitantly stuck my hand out attempting not use my powers and he takes a hold of my wrist. He reached in his pocket and pulled out a ring. 

"That's a nice ring" I admiited. It was a silver ring with a message written on it.

"It's for you"

"Where did you get-- IT'S FOR ME?!" I gasped holding my other hand over my mouth. 

"Of couse it is" He chuckled slipping the ring on my finger. "Read it" he instructed. I looked at the ring with a message carved in it.

"To The Love Of My Life. My Prince Niall." 

A tear streamed down my face and I start to sob. I qucikly grabs me and pulls me in a tight hug. I've never felt so loved a day in my life. Espically from somebody of my own species. 

"Just know that this isn't a proposal, it's just a gift for my merman. I knew ever since I met you in the ocean, I was just so in love with you. I went to bed thinking about you and know we share the same bed know. And when I do think about you, your right there in front of me, cuddled to my side." He told me and I burst out laughing through my tears. 

"Your all I think about and I love you. And besides sex which is something you like...." He smirked and turned red because I've only had sex with him once and I've fallen in love with it. "I gave you this ring as a token of my love for you my merman" He told me kissing my nose. 

When he said a 'token of his love' and my heart just overloaded with love and I start to sob in my hands again. He sat next to me on the couch and I sob in his shoulder. He rubbed at my back calming me down and I hugged him back.

"(Y/N)" I mumbled in his shoulder.

"Yes?" He answered me rubbing my back.

"Since this wasn't a proposal. Would you marry me?"

"Of couse I would" He assured pulling my head out his shoulder and pressing soft kiss on my lips.\

'When?" I asked him wiping my eyes.

"One day, Niall" He said rubbing the rest of the tears out my face. "Ready for bed?" I nodded 'yes' and he carried me to the bed. He climbed in bed next to me and kissed me on the cheek. He laid next to eachother and stared at the ceiling in awkward silence.

"Sorry, if I'm a cry baby. It's just that I've never been loved before." I explained.

"I'm so sorry that its been like that for you, Niall. I love you, my prince. More than anything." He reminded me cuddling close of my side falling asleep in my chest.

I kissed his forehead and gently rubbed at his back. "I love you too" I told him softly then falling asleep with him.

I wish that 'one day' that (Y/N) want to marry me comes soon. I want to spend the rest of my life with him.

The only person that's ever loved me.

The Boy From Deep Blue: Niall Horan (Gay Imagine AU)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat