Chapter 28

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*Niall's POV*

"It's time for me to leave already. I'm not ready to leave yet." I whispered as (Y/N) held my hand, walking me down to the ocean. Our last few weeks together were amazing yet sad at the same time.

"I don't want you to." (Y/N) mumbled looking down at the ground. "I'm going to miss you so much, Niall."

"I'll miss you too love. Thank you for everything." I told him sincerely. This boy had worked so hard to take care of me and keep me happy. Every small thing he's done for me, I was always appreciative for it.

He took my face in his hands gently,"Listen to me Niall, I know since your leaving me that your going to be known as 'King Niall' but to me...." (Y/N) stopped and began softly crying.

"What am I to you?" I urged him to speak through my own tears.

"Your always be 'Prince Niall to me'." He finally lets out with a small sob. Feeling awful, I hug my boy around his neck on last time. I don't even want to let him go.

"I don't want to let you go, Niall!" He sobbed in my neck. My heart broke at his words. I don't want to let him go either.

"(Y/N)...." I whimpered. "I know that I won't be seeing you ever again and you'll find someone that'll love you.....not as much as me but someone will." I chocked on a sob after what I just said. (Y/N) will always have a special place in my heart if he ends up with another guy. He stopped crying, bringing his face out my neck. He cupped my face and latched his lips to mine, one last time. Tears roll out my eyes, sharing my final kiss with the surface boy I love so much. To be completely honest....If there were any gay mermen underwater all of a sudden, I wouldn't date any of them. (Y/N) is the only boy I want. We detach lips and hold hands.

"Take care of yourself, okay?" I whispered wiping a tear of his cheek.

"Okay." He nods. We hug each other one more time and he let me out his arms. I took my time walking into the ocean until my legs turned back into my natural blue tail. I waved at the boy and he waved back. I didn't want (Y/N) to see my cry anymore so I swam away as quickly as possible. My life back on the surface was nothing I've ever expected. I met a great guy, who's done everything to keep me happy, (Y/N) was the first guy to tell me that he loved me. Who would've thought the first person I'd fall in love with, would be a human? All these thoughts are making me sad all over again. I swam to the kingdom doors quickly and opened them to....

"Surprise!!!" My parents and other relatives were in the corridor cheering and clapping for me.

"What is this for?" I had to ask them.

"This is your celebration, dear. Your going to be king tomorrow." Mum reminded me.

"Time flies doesn't it son?" Dad swam up to me and my mum. "Did you enjoy your last few weeks with (Y/N)?" Just listening to (Y/N) name breaks my heart again. I didn't answer his question, instead I swam out the room leaving everyone. I swam into my room, slamming the door behind me and locking it. Hearing his name makes me ten times as more sad because I won't be able to see him again. The only thing I have of (Y/N) is a picture of him in a frame I got from the surface. I kept it in my treasure chest for safe keeping. I retrieved it from their and laid down on my bed, looking at the picture. (Y/N) is so handsome. I kissed his picture and held it close to my heart, as I cried myself to sleep.


"Five more minutes!" The hair stylist warned, frantically putting the comb through my hair. "Your so handsome, Niall. I think you get it from my dad."

"Thank you." I chuckled. He stylist kept holding my head in place and looked at the mirror, making your I was okay to go.

"Is my king ready yet?" Mum barged into the room. "There are thousands of other merfolks waiting."

The Boy From Deep Blue: Niall Horan (Gay Imagine AU)Where stories live. Discover now