Chapter 21

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*Your POV*

Did I hear that right? Is he joking? I hope he his.

"Niall....." Tears formed in my eyes. Niall is already breaking down from telling me what happened. I moved his the blanket out the way to a scar that traveled down his stomach. He was telling the truth. Our baby boy died.

The doctor walked in with a clipboard and a sad face.

"(Y/N) and Niall, I'm sorry about your loss. Niall, you will have to stay here and heal for a few days. Your still in critical condition." The doctor informed.

"Okay doctor." Niall cried hiding his face not wanting to be seen crying. Niall had a few scars and bruises on him, a scar down his stomach from the emergency surgery, an injured leg and he has a few fractures in his rip cage.

"We will take care of Niall for you." The doctor said to me softly.

"Thank you doctor." I nodded and turned back to Niall. The doctor left me and Niall alone. I felt bad for the boy. He nearly died in the accident and we lost our baby boy that would've been here soon.

"We lost him...." Niall sniffled.

"It wasn't your fault, Niall. Someone hit you and ran."

"I know!" Niall chocked out a sob and hid his face in his blanket. My heart nearly broke into pieces watching Niall breakdown. All he ever wanted was to be happy and someone took it all away from him. The police have been doing investigating and they haven't found any evidence. The person escaped on foot and they were quick.

"Can I hold you?" I asked softly not getting a response from Niall. His sobs died down and turned into soft small cries. I took one of his hands and held onto it for dear life. I wanted to remind Niall that I was always here for him. I don't want him to suffer by himself, it was my loss too.

"Nialler?.....My prince?" He finally peeked his head out the blanket. I placed a hand on his bandaged face wipping a tear out his swollen eye.


"I'm sorry this all happened to you." 

"It's my fault, (Y/N). I ruined your entire wedding and I lost our baby." Niall cries.

"No it isn't, Niall! Stop beating yourself up! We didn't know who hit you and all I know is that I'm glad that your okay."

"What if we can't have another baby again?" 

"We can."

"What if I can't marry again? What if I can't walk or swim down the aisle?"

"You can."

"What if you won't love me anymore because my face-" 

I had enough of Niall's negative self talk so I covered his mouth. "Niall James Horan, stop it!" Niall eyes widend with tears and surprise. "I love you so fucking much, Niall. I don't care how bad your face is scarred up or if you can't walk at the moment. None of this is your fault! None of it! If anything, I shouldn't have given you that limo ride." Now I'm starting to feel bad.

"Please don't cry, (Y/N)." Niall begged of me.

"I'm sorry, Niall. I just hate when you think I don't love you anymore over something you had no control over." I tell him, holding his hand. 

Niall didn't say anything for a few moments leaving the room silent. "Get up here." Niall tugged on my arm.

"Niall, your hurt." I reminded him. If I were to lay down with him, I'd probably hurt him even more.

"I don't care. Just come here and cuddle me like we normally do."

I was hesitant about cuddling with his hurt body but whatever makes my prince happy. I slowly climbed into bed with him slowly cuddling into his side. Niall sighed in content and kissed my forehead.

"This is all I want right now." Niall weakly smiled.

"What is that?"

"You cuddling me." Niall pulled his blanket over the both of us. The beds comfortable enough to put me to sleep almost. My eyes slowly flutter shut and the last thing I see before going off to sleep.


Niall's been in the hospital for a few weeks recovering. His scar on his stomach is healing enough for him to get his stitches removed. He's had a few more surgeries and treatments and now he's on crutches. Now he's discharged from the hopsital and back at home, into the ocean. It hurts for him to swim. He's tail will start aching when he tries to swim.

"You have to rest, Niall." I picked him up out the water.

"Carry me to bed." Niall was being a prince like usual. He's back to his smiley-happy ways but he's still at hurting from the loss of his baby. I gently laid him down in bed after drying his tail back into his legs. I pull the blankets over us and I cuddled to his side.

"I love you, (Y/N)." Niall kissed my forehead.

"I love you too, Niall. Get some rest love." I held onto him until he feel asleep.

Personally, it's hard for me to sleep but all I can think about is who could possibly try to take Niall away from me. 

The Boy From Deep Blue: Niall Horan (Gay Imagine AU)Where stories live. Discover now