Chapter 15

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It's late at night and your relaxing on the beach while Niall swam freely in the ocean. It was great seeing Niall back to being happy and swimming all over the place.

"(Y/N), I don't know if you know this but my birthdays tomorrow." He said crawling back on shore with his blue tail still on.

"You never told me."

"I guess you know now. I don't really want anything but to spend the day with you." Niall shrugged.

"Aaww. You sure, Niall?"

"Yes, Im sure. If wanted anything gifts I would of stayed at home but because I love you so much and I'm staying here, I don't need gifts to be happy." Niall pinned you down in the sand, crawling up to your face. "Because I have you."

"Your a sweet one." You eskimo kissed with Niall, rubbing each others noses together and you kissed his. Niall swam around a little bit more then he was ready to go to bed. You dried him off until his legs grew back and you carried him bridal style to bed.

Niall already went off to sleep and all of a sudden you know what you want to give to Niall. Dinner at Nando's and take him shopping. You'll do whatever it takes to make sure Niall enjoys his special day.


"Niall?" You shook him while he slept soundly. "Niall? Wake up."


"Happy birthday." You dropped down and kissed him a few times.

"Thank you, love." He stretched out and went back to sleep.

"It's almost noon, I wanna take you to the mall." You pulled the blanket off him.

"What's a mall?" He asked sleepily.

"It's where you buy things. I'll take you there and buy you anything you want because your my prince." You picked him up out the bed and carried him to the bathroom.  "Get cleaned up and I'll get you some clothes, okay?"

"Okay." Niall yawned. He stripped out of his pajamas and got in the shower. You picked out some clothes for Niall to wear at the mall. A pair of jeans and a tee shirt was all he needed. If Niall's gonna stay with you then he needs his own clothes and birthday shopping was the perfect opportunity to spoil him.

Shortly you jumped in the shower with Niall to save time. You two exchanged soft kissed while you two washed and you both got dressed rode to the mall.

Niall's facinated by how upscale and busy the mall is.

"What can I get from here?" He asked.

"Anything you want. Clothes, food, mens fragrances, a guitar, pair of shoes?  You name it."

"Thank you." Niall hugged you tight. Niall's gonna enjoy himself today.

He dragged you across the mall and went to every store that caught his attention.  Not only that, you bought him everything he wanted.

You carried all his bags while he walked around with Starbucks in his hand.

"Thank you for bringing me to the mall, I like it here." Niall playfully kisses you on the cheek.

"I made a reservation for us at Nando's later tonight." You reminded him.

"Your the best boyfriend ever. You keep spoiling me." Niall brushed his thumb across your cheek.

"If we were back underwater what would you offer me?"

"My servants." He replied bluntly.  "All you have to do is snap your fingers and they'll listen to you."

"So I'm a servant to you?" You faked a pout.

"Of course your not. Your the best boyfriend that a merman could ever have." Niall pressed a long kiss on the cheek.

"I feel so loved now." You joked.


You and Niall had dinner at Nando's and he had the same entrée twice. He's passed out in a food coma in the car. You carried him inside along with the rest of his shopping back. You want to take him to one more place. The beach.

You picked him up again and he woke up. "Are we going to be now?"

"Soon love." You planted his feet the sand and held his hands.

"Niall....I love you and I always have. Ever since we met my first day back in Ireland, I feel in love with you since. Everyday that I spent with you, I love you even more and knowing that I get to wake up to you every morning, makes me the happiest guy on earth." You told him which caused Niall to tear up.

"And I can't hold this off anymore, so I have to ask you now.....Niall James Horan..." You dropped down to one knee in front of him pulling out a ringbox and opening it. "Will you be my prince......forever?"

Niall gasped and covered his face with his hands and starting crying.

"Niall, will you marry me?" You finally popped the question.

"Yes, (Y/N)!!! Of course I'll marry you!!" Niall sobbed. You slipped the ring on his and hugged him tight as he cried.

You finally gave Niall what he wanted and that was for you to be his fiancé and soon to be husband.

"I love you so much. I can't wait to spend the rest of life with you." Niall wiped his tears out his eyes.

"I love you too, Niall. Ready for bed?"

"Yes my future husband." Niall giggled and you laughed with him. As usual you carried him inside the house and straight to the bed room. Niall turned on his side and you cuddled up against his back throwing an arm his body.

Neither one of you can't wait to officially say "I do" and be with each other forever.

The Boy From Deep Blue: Niall Horan (Gay Imagine AU)Where stories live. Discover now